
Thursday, May 29, 2008

MTC to Join Relay for Life

In recent months our MTC family has been touched very profoundly by cancer. currently several of our family members are actively receiving treatment for their cancers. Most prominently MTC Black Belt and long time student, Paul Befumo, was found to have a malignant rumor in his brain which he underwent surgery for at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He is now at home and in the midst of Chemo and radiation treatments. Paul is still a devout martial artist practicing on his own and taking lessons once a week. Currently 2 other MTC family members are battling cancers of their own, and over the years we have offered our support to others in our TKD community who have faced challenges related to cancer.

All of these experiences have compelled us to become involved in the fight for our MTC family and against cancers of all kinds in our community. At this point in our lives it seems the greatest bang for our buck, so to speak, will be to pull together in an organized effort to raise funds that will be used for research, support and education. There seems to be a strength in numbers where fundraising is concerned and the American Cancer Society organizes the Relay for Life as a community wide event to bring Missoula together to fight cancer, so we jumped in the arena to join the fight.

Helping out
Our goal is to raise $5000 by June 20th.

We are selling luminary bags to be decorated in honor of or in memory of someone who has been affected by cancer. Bags are for sale at the dojang for $10 each, buy one or buy many. also you may donate in any amount.

We are still looking to round out our team of at least 15 people to run and/or walk around the track for 16 hours and join the rest of the fun at the event.

Your help in any way is greatly appreciated.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky