
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Missoula Taekwondo Championships

Hosting the Missoula Taekwondo Championships is our opportunity to bring our MTC family together and host other Martial Artists from throughout our region.  We will be at the RAM Activity Center on Saturday October 24th.

We love this event because of the great spirit that our family has shown by coming together to provide our state with a fun, fair experience.  There are many ways to participate including:  competition, refereeing, volunteering in various capacities, donations of food and other items to the Booster Club and, of course, just being in attendance to watch and cheer on the rest of the Missoula TKD Center family.  We encourage everyone to take part in this event in at least one capacity.

To register to compete, please fill out and return a registration sheet by Tuesday, October 20th. (There are also registration sheets available at but keep in mind that all MTC students registration fee is only $35).  All ages and belt levels are encouraged to compete, and competition will be in forms, sparring, creative forms and group forms.

There are many areas volunteers will be needed including set up and take down, sales, data entry and concessions.  There is a clip-board on the front counter with sign up sheets for all the various duties.  We really appreciate the giving nature of our MTC Family and thank everyone in advance for helping out.

Our tournament is our greatest and most fun gathering of the year and we look forward to sharing the experience with all of our Taekwondo Family.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

"Building on Basics" Sparring Seminar

Mr. Rosbarsky will be hosting the "Building on Basics" sparring seminar in conjunction with the MTChampionships once again the Friday before the tournament on October 23rd from 6-8pm at Missoula Taekwondo Center. 

This seminar is based on the theory that good basics are the best building blocks for a great sparring strategy.  New students and those who have been compteting for years will all benefit from this seminar.

The cost is $20 for tournament participants and $30 for non-participants.

To register please use the tournament registration form. 

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Being a Happy, Successful Martial Artist

At Missoula Taekwondo Center our goal is to enable all of our students to become successful human beings as well as goal driven martial artists who enjoy the process of working toward their goals.  Some recent encounters with various students and their parents has highlighted, in my mind, a few clarifications regarding this statement.

First, an adult MTC student shared with us that she had a realization.  She was not only  not enjoying the process of her work in TKD, she was not even fully living it, by constantly thinking forward to the next task she needed to perform.  Consequently she was not fully present on the mat and disappointed with herself for underperforming. 
For all of us the lesson is:  Come to Taekwondo (and all things in life) fully prepared to give your undivided attention and full energy to the task at hand, so that you may enjoy the full benefit of what life is offering up to you.  Otherwise you will walk through Taekwondo and life without truly discovering your potential.

Second, a MTC parent said to me:  "My child is bad at Poomse."  When truly analyzed from our perspective this student is amazing at all aspects of Taekwondo, including Poomse.  Every class he gives his all and excels at whatever he tries.  It is true that he makes at least 90% of his classes which meet 2 days per week, and that when it is time to perform Poomse for a test or tournament he still struggles.  What is the disconnect? 
For all of us the lesson is:  Poomse (a set pattern of self defense against imaginary attackers) needs to be performed on a regular basis to be committed to memory). The method we recommend is to define a time, of 15 minutes or less each day, (like right before TV time) to dedicate to doing Poomse.

Recently we have worked on Poomse in each class, then asked students to perform them in the Sept. Tip Tests.  Every student experienced a marked improvement.  We watched them all enjoy the feelings of accomplishment and ask all MTC families to carve out a small amount of practice time so we can continue this beneficial trend.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Cookie Dough Sale

All MTC students may participate in the Cookie Dough Sale to earn money they can use for tournaments, gear and fun TKD events.  Pick up a cookie dough sheet and sell as much as possible.  Cash prizes awarded for the fastest to turn in $$ and form for top sellers.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Tournament Planning/Kids Pay for Their Own

This months gathering of MTC support people will include time to workout details associated with the tournament and fundraising efforts.  Also, come learn how the Booster Club can enable your family to raise funds to offset out of pocket expenses for Taekwondo activities and gear. 

We call all available parents, competitors and supporters to a General Meeting on Wednesday October 7th from 6pm to 7pm. This short meeting will cover many important issues regarding fundraising opportunities and fun events.  With the tournament coming up there will be lots to discuss.  We also hope to arrange for some fun events this fall including a bus to the November tournament.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Haunted House and Pot Luck Halloween Party

The MTC Halloween Party is BACK! And this year Halloween falls on Saturday so the party will be super fun and spooky with our haunted house back for the second year in a row.

We are excited to invite all of our students and their families to join our ghouly fun.  Please plan to bring 5 nonperishable food items as your entrance fee (to be donated to the Missoula Food Bank, last year we donated 437 lbs.!).

We will have dishes catered from China Garden and invite all to bring their favorite dish to share, or for those who prefer to not cook we always need drinks, plates, forks and spoons.

Watch for specific times to come out later this month.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Mobile Website

If you have internet on your phone, this website will come in handy to view the calendar, class times or contact information on the go........