As we near the time when school lets out for the summer, scheduling becomes a little erratic for most families, but we are here to tell you that Taekwondo will remain nearly the same as it has been in the spring and in summers past.

Monday through Thursday will remain the same. The Friday schedule will be abbreviated to the 4-4:30 White Belt Poomse class and a 4:30-5:30 All Levels Poomse class.
We invite everyone to enjoy a more flexible summer by attending whichever classes work. That may mean someone who usually attends on Monday and Wednesday as a yellow belt may, in the summer, choose to get their two classes in a particular week both on Wednesday by attending the Yellow Belt Class and the Green Belt Class—or whatever works. Our goal is to keep the knowledge in our brains, keep our bodies moving, and enjoy every minute of it while allowing for a more flexible summer for all.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky