The two hours a week that most of our students spend in Taekwondo class is many times just not enough to fully prepare them to conquer all the challenges they will meet. For most people we watch their greatest struggle be Poomse. Poomse ( a set pattern of self defense against imaginary attackers) needs to be performed on a regular basis to be committed to memory. We have found through personal experience and other's accounts that the decision to be "good" at poomse is the first step along the path. The method we recommend to integrating poomse is to define a time, of 15 minutes or less each day, (like right before TV time) to dedicate to doing it.
We watch all of our students enjoy the feelings of accomplishment when they carve out time to practice and ask all MTC families to find a time that works so that we may continue to watch our students self confidence grow. It really can be a very small amount of time but the key is to make it routine and it does not even need to be every day but should be worked out to be done more days than it is not done.
An added benefit of individuals practicing on their own is the higher level of instruction possible in each class. If the students come to the teacher already knowing the alphabet and having a practiced vocabulary together they may begin to create a rich and meaningful story.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky