All MTC students and families are invited to join our annual ski day at Discovery on January 22nd. We will leave for the hill from the TKD School at 8AM. Lessons begin at 10:30AM.
They give us great group rates (Adult $30, Kids $15) but you have to sign up in advance to get the rates. All sign up and payment must happen by Friday January 14th to get the discounted rate. Please make checks payable to Missoula Taekwondo Center.
Plans include a 1PMish lunch in the lodge (bring sack lunch or $$$) followed by a group run down Gold Bug. We plan to leave the hill around 4PM arriving back in Missoula around 6ish.
We hope to see all you ski and board -ers up there. We welcome you too if you have a season pass or join us on a whim. Be sure to put your name in the car pool list too.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky