
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Poomsae Practice

Lately I have been fielding many questions about how to gain proficiency in Poomsae.  Commonly I hear, “why don’t they practice enough in class to “get it”?”  The most simply put answer is  “If we practiced in class enough to really “get it” we would not have time for anything else.”  

Poomsae, being a set pattern, is one element of Taekwondo that we can become proficient at with practice on our own, and, in fact, will not get past a basic level of proficiency without practice outside of class.

We recommend using the Powerful Poomsae DVDs to ensure correct practice at home.  These DVDs feature Master R and are great for all colored belts at MTC.  We have them on hand and they are also available at
To have proficiency in Poomsae carving out a spot for it in your daily routine is a must.

From the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky