
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fun Tournament - February 11th

Tournaments can be fun, rewarding and life enriching events if you go into them with a basic knowledge of what to expect and are surrounded by supportive "family" members.  We want our students to have every reasons to participate in upcoming tournaments.

With this FUN tournament our students will find out what they can expect at future tournaments and reap the benefits to be had by joining the greater Taekwondo Community in Montanan and the rest of the world.  Parents sometimes understandably, wish for their children to hold back from competition until they earn a higher belt, however when a student shows interest, we recommend engaging them at that point. Individuals are placed in groups of their approximate age, height, weight and skill level, making white belt the best time to try a tournament.  This year we are also using this opportunity to develop the logistics of tournament operations.  We are encouraging every family to volunteer an hour or 2 to learn a new skill or share one you  know you already possess, contribute to the group and feel proud of your efforts that will make a FUN successful event.  A $5 per volunteer hour credit is offered off you registration.  Offered to Black and Red Belts first then this option will be offered to all MTC students.  Up to $10 off per colored belt competitor and up to $25 per black or red belt volunteer.

The cost is $25 for 1 or 2 events.  Spectators are FREE.  All 1st-3rd place finishers will be awarded medals.  Please register by Friday February 10th to aid in Tournament day fluidity.  Registrations may be dropped in the payment box or given to Mrs. Rosbarsky.

Competition start is staggered White and Yellow Belts -9:45, Green - Black Belts Competitors--12pm.

Please see the registration form for additional information or ask at the front desk.
[Facebook event]

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky