The Missoula Taekwondo Championships is always an efficient, enriching coming together of our region's Taekwondo Community.
Organizing, staffing and operating a tournament is a massive group effort. Without the helping hands of each of our family members we would be unable to provide a life enriching experience to all participants. We ask that each MTC family participate in some way (or multiple ways) to give yourselves the great satisfaction of contributing to the experience of our own children and the Martial Artists from our entire region.
How to participate or contribute to the MTChampionships:
Students: Martial Artists from Missoula Taekwondo Center can use paper registration found on the bulletin board at MTC or online registration is available at There is competition in Poomsae, Sparring, NEW Sport Poomsae and there are divisions for athletes with disabilities. There are special discounts for MTC Students, MTA members and Families.
Students and Parents: There are a wide variety of jobs to be done to run this event including setting up, working gear sales, admissions, registration, medical and logistics. Most jobs require very little effort, but make a tremendous difference in everyone's experience. Please sign up for a shift or two on the front counter.
Parents and Students 14+: Officiating or judging is a great way to engage in this and all Montana Tournament. There will be a MTA certification taught by Master Rosbarsky on October 6th at MTC for any new referees as well as those seeking a refresher. Click HERE for more information.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky