
Friday, February 1, 2013

TKD Opportunities Sprouting Up this Spring

Coming to class is a tremendous way to tap into the world of Taekwondo and how it can enhance your own varied abilities. To open the floodgates of your own potential Taekwondo offers much more. 
Attending activities that expose you to new teachers, new classmates, new challenges and new information will help you grow as a martial artist and person.  Consider doing just one of the following to enhance your life experience and become something greater than you were before 2013.
Tournament opportunities for all students: 

  • February 2nd MTC Fun Tournament, 
  • February 9th Zootown Kickdown hosted by MT TKD Academy, 
  • April 13 Great Falls Tournament hosted by GM Scott Miranti,    
  • April 20th Dae Myung Tournament in Butte
  • May 4th Livingston Tournament hosted by GM Dan Williams.

Some other tournaments for passionate pursuers are the US Open in Las Vegas February 18-24th, the MT State USAT National Qualifier and MT Collegiate Fight Off on March 23rd in Bonner, National Collegiates in Colorado on April 13th, and USAT Nationals in Chicago July 3-9.
It is not just tournaments that can expand your martial arts experience. Growth may be spurred by something as simple as picking up an extra class during the week or even just once a month. Every person in a class changes and enhances the dynamic. Even when learning from the same instructor, with different students, he or she may approach a lesson from a slightly or completely new angle which may reach right to the heart of your understanding.
We highly encourage attendance at the seminar being given by Grandmaster Park in Butte (for all belts)on Friday March 1st and/or the Judo winter camp at Clark Canyon Bible Camp also instructed by Grandmaster Park (for blue belts and above) on March 2nd and 3rd. A seminar with Grandmaster Park is a rare occurrence in Montana and should be treated like it may never happen again.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky