
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Taekwondo - At any age......

MTC has a variety of students that range from age 4 to age 73.  Every one of these students progress at their own rate and can benefit in different ways.  Classes are arranged to accommodate the needs of the different age groups because the methods of teaching may vary.

We start our youngest practitioners at 4 years old.  This 4-6 age group tend to be the time children can start holding attention longer and can develop their hand/eye coordination.  They follow directions better. Through learning confidence, they learn respect for themselves and other people. There is a lot of physical activity and we keep them engaged with games and a variety of movements. They start memorizing forms, kicks, block, strikes and self-defense.

Our next group is the 7-12 year old group.  They are energetic and alert.  They follow directions and Mayoclinic
start developing self-discipline.  They are able to start some managed strength training.  They work on their coordination, balance and flexibility.  "By this age, children have mature vision and the ability to understand and recall sports strategies. These children are typically ready to take on complex skill sports, ..."

The Teenagers,13-17 year old, are involved in all aspects of the martial art.  They are very physical at this age and often enjoy the competition. They make connection with their team and their classmates.  They understand the tenets and deeper meaning of Taekwondo and the martial arts.  They often become leaders and instructors at this age.  They develop strength, agility, speed, flexibility, and balance.  Five reasons the Examiner gives for Teenagers to be involved in martial arts:  1. Fitness 2. Positive Self-Esteem 3. Socialization Skills 4. Stress Management 5. Self-Defense.  These certainly can be reasons for any age.

The 18-32 year old group is categorized that way because of the sparring classifications at
Nationals.  We group adults together for training, but there more diversity with adults than with children.  Our journey changes drastically as our body changes.  We become busy with life and try to fit training into our schedule. It becomes harder to recover from injuries.  But as an adult, it is almost more important to keep our bodies moving.  It is not only healthy to keep active, but healthy to relieve stress during these physically active time of our lives. 

The 33+ Group is the all inclusive adult group.  There are so many health benefits in this group.  Our balance is so important to maintain as we age and Taekwondo pushes us to work our core and challenge our balance.  Taekwondo techniques, forms and strategies challenge the mind.(Taekwondo Science). This group "play to their strengths. The advantage senior(older) taekwondo students have over life experience.
Older students are often wiser. They think before they act. And they often have more self-control.
They have the mental toughness to push through tough training.
And they know the power of perseverance." Taekwondo-information

The Top Ten Benefits of Martial Arts from
for all ages:
  • Total body workout
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Self confidence
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Weight loss
  • Improved reflexes
  • Focus and stillness
  • Teaches great morals and values
  • Muscle tone
  • Better mood
I have witnessed the growth of students of all ages.  It is a joy to see the confidence build.  In a world where their peers are not as fit or focused.  These students grow to realize their potential and that there are others that care and support their journey in a safe environment.  Whether that journey begins at 4 or 74, the benefits listed apply to all.