We continued our expansion during January and opened a secondary gym space in the front of the Dojang. We will utilize this space in many ways including the new "Golden Ultras" class beginning February 11th, for private lessons, and for our New Bow Flex and the additional Cardio equipment to come. We will utilize this space mostly by splitting off small groups from larger classes. This will allow us to continue giving personal attention to each of our students. When this space is not in use we encourage our students to utilize it for practice of their techniques. We ask that parents monitor their children and ensure that rough play is not happening in the dojang.

We would like to share with you a short list of Dojang etiquette that should be observed at MTC.
- Matted area are to be used for the practice of Martial Arts Techniques. Please utilize the play room for free play.
- Remove shoes and store them under the back of the bleachers before entering matted areas.
- Respectfully utilize the play room and help clean up when leaving.
- Be respectful of classes in session when in the viewing area and play room. Quiet voices are appreciated.
- Utilize bottles with spill proof tops for class time hydration. All other types of drinks must be wholly consumed or stored on top of the refrigerator.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky