We are always looking for new ways to enhance our student's experience and with the help of our web guru, Kim Sturre, we now have an online community that our "family" can use to keep in touch.
This community will help families coordinate with each other for car pooling to classes, tournaments and other events to save gas and to promote togetherness. We also encourage our students individual families to utilize the classified section to develop business contacts with fellow TKD families. Such as postings as to who is available to baby sit or who wants a sitter. There is also a section used to discuss TKD questions.
This community will be monitored daily and will be populated by TKD families who are invited to join. We recommend TKD families with young children create 1 account per family rather than for each small child.
All students receiving the electronic newsletter will automatically be invited to join and all other students must email Kim at MTCweb@bresnan.net to receive an invitation. [OR click on http://www.webjam.com/missoula_taekwondo , click on "Join this Webjam". This will send a invite request. Then sign up for an account and build a profile. E-mail if you have any questions] (Join the enewsletter by submitting the green form(Mrs. R has more.))
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky