7/1--"Sweet day so far...Kyle won his Open elite fin weight division (view results), Austin won all three of his fights in the open light weight (view results)."
Mr. Rosbarsky
They will fight in the adult world class divisions tomorrow.

--"Austin lost 4 to 3. Good day. We just need to get Austin working." Mr. Rosbarsky (view results)
7/3--"Three golds for Kyle so far. He won the junior open today(view results) and poomse (view Poomse results). Mark took 3rd in forms." Mr. Rosbarsky
--"After the long plane ride, it was nice to get some sleep. But the next morning we got up and came right to the Ford Field. When we got here, we checked in and Dylan went to weigh in. He is still in line. Kyle was the first fight in his division. He won 4-7. We are waiting for him to fight again. It is weird for me to sit in the stands and think I won't be able to walk out on the floor and compete, but I know this will get harder and harder for me..." Abbey
--"Shawn, a random but cool dude, and I waited in line to weigh in for FOUR hours :(" Mark
Mr Bartholomew says the Stadium is HUGE.....................
Mark doing his Poomse: