
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Join in the FUN at our Tournament

ALL Missoula TKD students are invited to join us in our 2nd FUN Tournament on February 7th.

This tournament is perfect for tournament first-timers and for those looking to gear up for the Spring Tournament season in Montana. For parents wondering if now is the right time to do a tournament the best way to tell is if there is interest, if so then this tournament is the perfect one--friendliest environment, least driving, least expensive and most FUN.

Our first FUN Tournament in September was a great success in that it provided a wonderful gathering for all our students and a great learning tool for both parents and students.

To sign up, please return the Registration form by Friday, February 6th.

All individuals planning to compete must be in full uniform. Sparrers must have their own forearm and shin/instep pads, mouthpiece and groin cup (total cost $23 for Girls and $33 for Boys). Please purchase these items before the day of the tournament. Full gear also includes the helmet and chest protector. All these items may be purchased at Missoula TKD, but you are only encouraged to buy the helmet and chest protector if you know you will be attending future tournaments as well. Please feel free to borrow these two items from the MTC if you do not want to purchase them for this tournament.

Please note the changes to the format of this FUN Tournament: a staggered start for different belt levels, two rings running for sparring, and full concessions all day by the Booster Club.

The Booster Club will host concessions throughout the day during the FUN tournament and are looking for donations of food items. Individuals who donate will receive vouchers to use the day of the tournament.
Please see the sign up on the front desk at TKD.
Also as a reminder, the Booster Club hosts concessions during the Friday Night Belt Tests as well.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Parking Notes

We realize that parking around the dojang during the between class transitions can be very hard. It is nearly impossible sometimes, when there is snow on the ground, to tell where the pavement ends, and where on should park. Please be mindful and respectful of others in our neighborhood. We enjoy a very peaceful mix of residential and commercial properties around us and want to do all we can to keep the peace in the parking situation in our area. Thank you for taking a moment to be aware of our neighbors.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

A Few Notes to Help you Plan your Spring and Summer

Black Belt Picture Retakes will happen during the Advanced classes on February 9th and 10th.

The Booster Club exists to help make Taekwondo and Tournaments accessible for every interested person regardless of individual financial status.

Currently, the Booster Club meets at 6PM the second Wednesday of the month and is currently discussing buses to spring tournaments, fundraising needs and desired spring fundraisers and individuals interested in Nationals and Junior Nationals this Summer. We are open to input from all interested parties, join us to be a part of the decision making team.

Those interested in the National Tournaments should talk with Mrs. Rosbarsky before the February 11th Booster Club Meeting. Commitment letters are due by February 27th. (For more information contact Mrs. R. )

The Annual MTC Black Belt Test will be held in the Summer of 2009. Eligible and interested students should make their interest known to Mrs. R by February 27th.

Summer Camps at MTC will run the first 2 weeks after MCPS lets out for the summer; June 15th-19th and June 22nd-26th. These will be day camps running from 9AM-3PM for 6-12 year olds (one or both weeks) and 9AM-11AM for 4-5 year olds (week 1 only). We will once again have tons of TKD fun and have some fun in the sun as well.

We also plan to hold a 1 week camp August 10th-14th if there is sufficient interest.

Talk with Mrs. Rosbarsky to put your name on the list for these summer camps.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

New Daytime Class at MTC

Starting February 23rd, we will begin the new Martial Arts Fitness class. The class will be Mondays and Wednesdays from Noon to 1pm.

This class will pull heavily from Taekwondo teachings as well as utilize our beautiful surroundings when weather permits.

This class will be a great supplement for TKD students who feel like they need an extra work out or for adults looking for a group of like-minded individuals to enjoy the journey to self betterment.

We will work on balance, coordination, core strength and endurance.

Please put your name on the list at the front desk. Join us for the 6 week session for $75 or for $8 per class. Call 370-4589 or email for more information.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Battle of the Bands Teen Night

For the first time on February 28th, we will host a Teen Night at TKD for students age 13 and over. The cost will be $5 and includes the evenings activities, movies and pizza.

The highlight of the evening will be a Battle of the Bands on PS3 Guitar Hero World Tour. Bands of 4 people may enter the contest with the winning band receiving $50. Bands are encouraged to take a name and create an image with hair, makeup and wardrobe.

Doors open at 6:30PM with the Battle beginning at 7:00PM. Teens will be encouraged to leave at 10:30 and closing time is 11PM. Sign up ahead of time on the front counter and form your 4-piece bands (vocals, guitar, bass and drums) or leave yourself open to joining a band the night of the Battle.
Bring a bean bag to lounge on and join us for some great fun.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Girls' Night

Girl's Night. Amity Parks is showing her artistry with Henna design tatoos.

The evening will be filled with climbing, food, movies, and laughter.

Here are some more pics from the evening. CLICK HERE

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Climbing Wall

The Climbing wall soon will be scaled.

Mr. Rosbarsky finished the wall Friday. The Holds will be put up soon.

Get ready for an uplifting experience. :)