We will host our Second Annual Dinner and a Show (and Kick-a-thon) on Friday May 1st from 6-9pm.
Our first ever Dinner and a Show was held last June, and it was a fantastic gathering and the most fun ever had at a MTC Fundraiser.
Tickets will be available for sale at the Dojang. $5 for Adults, $3 for Kids and just $12 for a family of 4.
The show will be a conglomeration of talents (a Talent Show) displayed by MTC students. All MTC students are invited to participate with a musical, dancing, acting or other entertaining talent. We are looking for all ages and ability levels, participants need not be experts. Acts should adhere to a 3 minute or less performance. Please sign up by Thursday April 30th so we may develop a schedule of events.
Included in the entertainment will be this spring's installment of the Kick-a-thon. To participate in the Kick-a-thon, students can pick up a pledge sheet at the dojang or find it on our website. This is a great fundraising opportunity for all individual MTC students.
For questions, please see Mrs. R.
The dinner portion will consist of a Korean Style Bar-B-Que with pot luck sides.
To participate in the Dinner, Show or Kick-a-thon, please check out the front counter at the gym.
All this will be planned and discussed in detail at the April 8th Booster Club Meeting from 6-7pm. Please join us to be in the loop and have your voice heard.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky