Our summer time belt test will be held on Friday, July 24th. Times will be announced the week of the test and are dependant on the belt range and total number of test takers.
Please sign up in advance on the front counter. If you are unsure of your test readiness please consult Mr. or Mrs. Rosbarsky. We will be happy to help assess your skill level and analyze if all requirements are met for testing.
One very important part of testing that serves to hold many back from testing when they are otherwise ready is Poomse. To avoid anxiety about Poomse knowledge and to boast readiness we recommend that every student own the Power Poomse DVD set which features Master Rosbarsky performing all Taeguek and Palgwe Poomse. The DVDs are $30 each at Missoula Taekwondo Center and on amazon.com or you may purchase the set of 2 for $50 only at MTC.
Let there be nothing that holds you back from progression.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky