Our next installment of the MTC Black Belt test will be held on September 19th. For all candidates this test will be a milestone many years in the making. We will have candidates testing for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dan who started their Taekwondo journey many years in the past. Some began and have gone straight through without a break and others began elsewhere and came to Missoula Taekwondo Center after years of time off. Nevertheless, all of these individuals will test together. All of them will prepare through hard work in their regular classes. Some will prepare together outside of class while others opt to prepare on their own. This may well be the most challenging event in their TKD lives.
After working their way through the ranks in a minimum of 4 years. They all will be called upon to perform every technique learned as a colored belt including 16 Poomse plus black belt Poomse appropriate for their applied rank and below. They will also break board and sustain themselves through a test of 8 hours. They must also have competed at least once and have Taekwondo teaching experience. At the time of the test they will also need to turn in (2) 5-page book reports and (1) 10-page paper.
Candidates should be prepared to hand in their commitment letter and $150 non-refundable deposit no later than July 19th.
Everyone who tests remembers the eight hour ordeal but what makes it a truly life changing experience is the process of preparing for the test. Truly realizing how much you have grown and glimpsing how much further you have to go.