Our previous FUN Tournaments have been great successes, in that they provide a wonderful gathering for all our students and a great learning tool for both parents and students.
To sign up please return a registration form by Friday, February 5th. Registration Forms and Information can be obtained at the dojang or at missoulatkd.com
All individuals planning to compete must be in full uniform. Sparrers must have their own forearm and shin/instep pads, mouthpiece and groin cup (total cost $23 for Girls and $33 for Boys). Please purchase these items before the day of the tournament. Full gear also includes the helmet and chest protector all these items may be purchased at Missoula TKD but you are only encouraged to buy the helmet and chest protector if you know you will be attending future tournaments as well, otherwise please feel free to borrow these 2 items from MTC.
Please note there is a staggered start time, and full concessions all day by the Booster Club.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky
The Booster Club will host concessions throughout the day during the FUN tournament and are looking for donations of food items. Individuals who donate will receive vouchers to use the day of the tournament.
Please see the sign up on the front desk at TKD.
The Booster Club is here to help all our students earn their own funds to use for TKD extras, like tournaments and gear.