
Friday, September 3, 2010

FUN Tournament for all MTC/STC

ALL MTC/STC students are invited and encouraged to participate.  Parent are also encouraged to be active spectators and partake of the Booster Club Concessions.

This event will be a fun tournament with fully matted rings and electronic scoring held solely for Missoula and Stevensville Taekwondo Center students.  Those who are brand new to Taekwondo and/or tournaments will use this opportunity to learn what great things tournaments have to offer them in a supportive and encouraging environment with familiar supportive faces in a familiar place.  Students who have competed in tournaments before will have this opportunity to ease back into the season with their teammates and get some real time experience to prepare them to have a positive experience in the fast approaching tournament season.  Red and Black Belts have an opportunity to refine their skills in officiating and will in turn have more rewarding experiences in future tournaments. (Red and Black Belts who help for the day may compete for FREE). Parents can utilize this opportunity to learn about all aspects of competition including competition rules, general order of tournament events, use of scoring equipment, how poomse and sparring are scored in competition, and the general nuances of Taekwondo competition.

Tournaments can be fun, rewarding and life enriching events if you go into them with a basic knowledge of what to expect and are surrounded by supportive "family" members.  We want our students to have every reason to participate in upcoming tournaments.  With this FUN tournament our students will find out what they can expect at future tournaments and reap the benefits to be had by joining the greater Taekwondo Community in Montana and the rest of the world.

Sign ups are on the bulletin board or online at (soon).  The cost is $25 per person.  Please sign up by Friday September 10th.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Homecoming Parade - We are the World

The 2010 Homecoming Parade is coming up FAST, and we invite all of our TKD families to join us to walk/demonstrate and/or hand out candy.  To join us for this event please sign up at the dojang by September 9th.  This is for everyone-white belt to black belt ages 4 and up.   Parents are also welcome to walk with us and hand out candy.  Practices will be held only for 1/2 hour each on September 21st and 23rd at 7pm.

We will wear new long sleeved MTC shirts for the parade.  Shirts for parade participants will be $15.  Be sure to sign up by September 9th to ensure having your shirt for parade day.

Please call 829-1328 or email with questions.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

MTC Championships

The October 16th 7th Annual MTC Championships is the BEST opportunity to experience a state wide invitational Taekwondo Tournament.  It is locally held and hosted by MTC.  The cost to our students is the lowest of any area tournament ($40 for up to 4 events). And our entire TKD school pulls together with a tremendous group effort to make this the smoothest tournament experience there is in Montana.  (In 2009 the MTC Championships was the largest event to date and was completely finished and packed away by 2PM).

To have the greatest benefit from these events we encourage all families to find ways to be involved.  Our event will be most successful with help from our entire TKD Family.  There are many ways to be involved:  food donation, tournament participation, tournament volunteering, fundraising opportunities, spectating and general support. Sign up sheets will be available September 20th.

The FUN Tournament on September 11th will be perfect preparation for this tournament.  We encourage participation in both events and welcome questions and concerns about any related topics.

Last year's event was such a success because so many of the MTC family contributed their time and energy.  We look forward to a great coming together this year as well.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

MTC Women and Girls join us for fun at the Diva Day 5k

Missoula Taekwondo Center women will be running/walking as a team for fun and to celebrate our strong beautiful selves on October 2nd. All students of MTC and their family members are invited to join us.  We have registrations at MTC or online at  You can send in your applications with your $18 fee by September 19th.

Contact Mrs. R if you have questions.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Fridays in Full Swing beginning Sept 17th

Black Belt Club Members may attend at will, all others add a class for $5.

4-4:30 Taeguek Ill Jang
4:30-5:15 White Belt Sparring
4:30-5:15 Taeguek 2-4 and Palgwe 1-3
5:15-6:00 Taeguek 5-8, Palgwe 4-8 and Black Belt Forms
6:00-7:00 Sparring

A Little About MTC Operations, Testing and Questions in General

Each Taekwondo Class has its own flavor, but we do follow a rough guideline each month when devising each class curriculum.  Each month we use the 3rd week to teach self defense techniques, which in the beginning are based on simple escape and evasion techniques then progress to eventually fully incorporate Hapkido and Judo techniques.  We also strive to have Tip Tests on the last class day every month.  To maintain a flow and a sensitivity to the greater schedule of life outside the dojang we sometimes adjust these dates to fit better into life's flow.  For instance: the August tip tests were shifted to not add any additional stress to the first day of school for so many.

Our guidelines for testing and tips say that one should have 2 tips before testing for the next rank.  This is to hopefully keep students on pace to test roughly every 3 months.  To keep individual growth constant, we recommend keeping close to this schedule, but if there are questions about this please do not hesitate to ask.

In fact, please feel free to bring us your questions, comments and concerns about any subject-we value any opportunity to make your family's Taekwondo experience more meaningful.