This event will be a fun tournament with fully matted rings and electronic scoring held solely for Missoula and Stevensville Taekwondo Center students. Those who are brand new to Taekwondo and/or tournaments will use this opportunity to learn what great things tournaments have to offer them in a supportive and encouraging environment with familiar supportive faces in a familiar place. Students who have competed in tournaments before will have this opportunity to ease back into the season with their teammates and get some real time experience to prepare them to have a positive experience in the fast approaching tournament season. Red and Black Belts have an opportunity to refine their skills in officiating and will in turn have more rewarding experiences in future tournaments. (Red and Black Belts who help for the day may compete for FREE). Parents can utilize this opportunity to learn about all aspects of competition including competition rules, general order of tournament events, use of scoring equipment, how poomse and sparring are scored in competition, and the general nuances of Taekwondo competition.
Tournaments can be fun, rewarding and life enriching events if you go into them with a basic knowledge of what to expect and are surrounded by supportive "family" members. We want our students to have every reason to participate in upcoming tournaments. With this FUN tournament our students will find out what they can expect at future tournaments and reap the benefits to be had by joining the greater Taekwondo Community in Montana and the rest of the world.
Sign ups are on the bulletin board or online at (soon). The cost is $25 per person. Please sign up by Friday September 10th.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky