
Friday, September 3, 2010

A Little About MTC Operations, Testing and Questions in General

Each Taekwondo Class has its own flavor, but we do follow a rough guideline each month when devising each class curriculum.  Each month we use the 3rd week to teach self defense techniques, which in the beginning are based on simple escape and evasion techniques then progress to eventually fully incorporate Hapkido and Judo techniques.  We also strive to have Tip Tests on the last class day every month.  To maintain a flow and a sensitivity to the greater schedule of life outside the dojang we sometimes adjust these dates to fit better into life's flow.  For instance: the August tip tests were shifted to not add any additional stress to the first day of school for so many.

Our guidelines for testing and tips say that one should have 2 tips before testing for the next rank.  This is to hopefully keep students on pace to test roughly every 3 months.  To keep individual growth constant, we recommend keeping close to this schedule, but if there are questions about this please do not hesitate to ask.

In fact, please feel free to bring us your questions, comments and concerns about any subject-we value any opportunity to make your family's Taekwondo experience more meaningful.