We encourage everyone to take part in this event in at least one capacity. There are many ways to participate including: competition, refereeing, volunteering in various capacities, donations of food and other items to the Booster Club and of course just being in attendance to watch and cheer on the rest of the Missoula TKD Center family. Also this year we will host Master Williams on October 15th as he teaches a very informative MTA Referee Seminar. the seminar cost is $35 and may be taken by any willing adult or student over blue belt. We ask all MTC red and black belts to take this seminar if they have not already taken one.
To register to compete please fill out and return a registration sheet by Tuesday, October 12th. (Available at the dojang or www.missoulatkd.com but keep in mind that all MTC students registration fee is only $40.) All ages and belt levels are encouraged to compete, and competition will be in forms, sparring, creative forms and new this year we will be hosting divisions and exhibitions for students with disabilities.
There are many area volunteers will be needed including set up and take down, sales, data entry and concessions. There is a clipboard on the front counter with sign up sheets for all the various duties. We really appreciate the giving nature of our MTC Family and thank everyone in advance for helping out. The bond created through working toward a mutual goal gives great meaning to our lives.
Click Here for an important announcement about your Booster Club.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky