
Monday, October 4, 2010

Missoula Taekwondo Championships

It is our honor to bring together out MTC family to host the Montana Taekwondo Community each year.  The 7th Annual Missoula Taekwondo Championships will be Saturday October 16th at the RAM Activity Center, 1040 S 1st W in Missoula. Topping the last group effort will be a challenge, but I believe we can do it again this year.

We encourage everyone to take part in this event in at least one capacity.  There are many ways to participate including: competition, refereeing, volunteering in various capacities, donations of food and other items to the Booster Club and of course just being in attendance to watch and cheer on the rest of the Missoula TKD Center family.  Also this year we will host Master Williams on October 15th as he teaches a very informative MTA Referee Seminar.  the seminar cost is $35 and may be taken by any willing adult or student over blue belt.  We ask all MTC red and black belts to take this seminar if they have not already taken one.

To register to compete please fill out and return a registration sheet by Tuesday, October 12th. (Available at the dojang or but keep in mind that all MTC students registration fee is only $40.)  All ages and belt levels are encouraged to compete, and competition will be in forms, sparring, creative forms and new this year we will be hosting divisions and exhibitions for students with disabilities.

There are many area volunteers will be needed including set up and take down, sales, data entry and concessions.  There is a clipboard on the front counter with sign up sheets for all the various duties.  We really appreciate the giving nature of our MTC Family and thank everyone in advance for helping out.  The bond created through working toward a mutual goal gives great meaning to our lives.
Click Here for an important announcement about your Booster Club.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

"Building of Basics" Sparring Seminar

The popular Building on Basics Sparring seminar hosted by Master Rosbarsky will take new shape this year.  All those under 12 and below blue belt will meet 5-6:30 and all Teens and Adults and children over blue belt will meet 6:30-8.

This seminar is based on the theory that good basics are the best building blocks for a great sparring strategy.  New students and those who have been competing for year will all benefit from this seminar.

The cost is $20 for tournament participants and $30 for non-participants.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

To register please use the tournament registration form.

Getting the Most out of Taekwondo-Poomse

Many people who call us seeking Martial Arts instruction for their children tell us their "kids need some discipline."  We listen and calmly explain that our approach is not to discipline them but to hopefully build their sense of self worth by offering challenging, but attainable goals, so that they may come to feel that they are worth the effort it takes to have self discipline.  This is reflected in Master Rosbarsky's unique approach of compassionate leadership.  Consequently we are attempting to equip our student for, and gently urging them along each of their individual paths, to self betterment.

The two hours a week that most of our students spend in Taekwondo class is many times just not enough to fully prepare them to conquer all the challenges they will meet.  For most people we watch their greatest struggle be Poomse.  Poomse ( a set pattern of self defense against imaginary attackers) needs to be performed on a regular basis to be committed to memory.  We have found through personal experience and other's accounts that the decision to be "good" at poomse is the first step along the path.  The method we recommend to integrating poomse is to define a time, of 15 minutes or less each day, (like right before TV time) to dedicate to doing it.

We watch all of our students enjoy the feelings of accomplishment when they carve out time to practice and ask all MTC families to find a time that works so that we may continue to watch our students self confidence grow.  It really can be a very small amount of time but the key is to make it routine and it does not even need to be every day but should be worked out to be done more days than it is not done.

An added benefit of individuals practicing on their own is the higher level of instruction possible in each class.  If the students come to the teacher already knowing the alphabet and having a practiced vocabulary together they may begin to create a rich and meaningful story.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Tournament Planning/Kids Pay for Their Own

Learn how the Booster Club can enable your family to raise funds to offset your own out of pocket expenses for Taekwondo activities and gear.  We call all available parents, competitors and supporters to a General Meeting on Wednesday October 6th from 5:30 to 6:30PM.  This short meeting will cover many important issues regarding fundraising opportunities and tournaments including Nationals.  With the tournament coming up, there will be lots to discuss.

Cookie Dough Sale

All MTC Booster Club families (joining is easy and only $5 per person (max. $15 per family)) may participate in the Cookie Dough Sale to earn money they can use for tournaments, gear, and fun TKD events.  Pick up a cookie dough sheet and sell as much as possible.  Cash prizes awarded for fastest to turn in $$ and form and for top sellers.

Thank you, Doug Ardiana, for putting together this sale.  It is a great start to our fundraising efforts.

Haunted House and Pot Luck Halloween Party

The MTC Halloween Party is BACK!  And this year Halloween falls on Saturday so the party will be super fun and spooky with our haunted house back for the second year in a row.

We are excited to invite all of our students and their families to join our ghouly fun.  Please plan to bring 5 nonperishable food items as your entrance fee (to be donated to the Missoula Food Bank, last year we donated 437 lb.s!).

We will have dishes catered from China Garden and invite all to bring their favorite dish to share, or for those who prefer not to cook we always need drinks, plates, forks and spoons.

Share food beginning at 5 then enjoy the haunted house from 7-8:30.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky