Meet October 5th at 5:30 to find out how to make the Booster Club work for you.

We are hyperaware of financial constraints as they relate to extracurriculars. Taekwondo participation requires a dedicated amount of funds each month for the class portion, and participating in functions outside of class are sometimes not even looked at as an option by some families because of costs associated. The MTC Booster Club is here to make that a non-issue. To find out how your efforts combined with the Booster Club's can open doors for you in Taekwondo and life attend the October 5th meeting at 5:30.
Cookie Dough Sale underway now!
- Earn money for you TKD extracurriculars
- Sales forms available at MTC
- Cash prizes for first to sell 20 tubs and most tubs sold.
- Start now, finish October 26th
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky