Sunday, May 6, 2012
Become More of YOU- Tournaments and Tests
We say it all the time, but Taekwondo is so much more than kicking an punching. It is a way to discover who and what you truly are, and maybe, shape yourself into someone you are truly proud to be. Built into Taekwondo are obstacles that require each person who chooses to take them on to grow into something greater than they were before. Before you know it these small steps of competing at a tournament or testing for you next belt have begun to amount to a greater you. A you, you are proud to be. Choosing to step on the mat is more than most people ever do, but the opportunity for growth in knowledge, ability and self respect are nearly endless when you take advantage of opportunities for growth. So you have made it this far onto the mat now jump in and take a chance to be even greater. Sign up for the next test or tournament your possibilities for growth are endless.