To myself and Master Rosbarsky, being Dae-Myng is a privilege. It is a privilege to be a student of Grandmaster Park, as he is a thoughtful martial artist and the most humble student of life who still considers himself, at 9th Dan Black Belt, to have more to learn. Having asked to not be promoted to 10th Dan (the highest possible promotion) as that would imply that he no longer had anything to learn. Requesting instead to be promoted to 10th Dan when he dies.
With the passing of the former IDMF president, Grandmaster Karlo Fugiwara, a restructuring of the organization has led us to be a more defined group. There is now a process to become an individual member. When testing for yellow belt all Missoula Taekwondo Center students will become Dae-Myung members. There is an application to be filled out and a $15 fee for individuals and $25 fee for families of 2 or more.
Membership renewal will happen at every full colored belt (yellow, green, blue and red). Sr. Red belt and Black Belt.
We ask that all students who are currently yellow belt and above fill out and return the application to MTC with a check payable to IDMF by July 16th. If you have already paid the fee please fill out the application and return it also by the 16th.
We are excited to give our students the opportunity to be a part of this great lineage and partake in the greater IDMF community.