
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Belt Testing

Initially planned for June 22nd, our next test will be June 15th.

Please sign up in advance for this and all tests.  The cost of all colored belt tests is $25

The Way Testing Works:  We require at least 3 months between each belt test ( a minimum of 2 tips are required to be eligible to test) and recommend no more than 4.5 months. We aim to hold belt tests (not tip tests which are held in class on or around the last class day of each month)  every 6 weeks, so there should be one happening when you are ready to test.

Belt Tests happen on Fridays and you must signup in advance.

Tests are cumulative, so be prepared to be tested over all that you have ever learned in TKD.  Review old techniques and be prepared to show any and all poomsae up to your current level.