The tournament was great! The competitors did awesome.
Brennan got 3rd in sparring and Poomse
Caden got 1st in sparring and Poomse
Hunter got 1st in Poomse and 2nd in sparring
Abbey got 1st in sparring and Poomse
Rachel got 1st in sparring and Poomse
Ericka got 3rd in Poomse and 2nd in sparring
Ruth got 3rd in Poomse and 1st in sparring
HD got 2nd in sparring and 3rd in Poomse

Mr. Bartholomew got 1st in sparring and Poomse
Ryan W. got 2nd in Poomse and 1st in sparring
Ryan C. got 1st in sparring
Dillon got 2nd in poomse and 1st in sparring.