"Funny story, last night ...Steve, Abbey and I were still hungry so we went to the hotel restaurant, Willoughby's. I ordered a fruit and sorbet dish, and since I'm scapbooking the trip, I took a pic of my dinner. Fresh fruit in Hawaii. Well, the joke got started that I was going to save dried pineapple and I got a laugh attack in the restaurant. We're still laughing hysterically as we load into the elevator, and then Susi tries to put the credit card in the elevator, and we LOSE IT! This poor man was Terrified to get into the elevator with us. Ha ha! then we go and meet Megan the first time all red-faced and laughing ha ha! I'm like, 'Susi, It's not a PAY elevator' and eventually the guy gets in. It all worked out well." Ruth

Hawaii's state flower

"We're heading across the island today, going TO THE CAMP. I think everyone's feeling a little jet lag today. We're all Not quite as chipper. Lol!" Ruth

Susi and Ruth on the beach at the Taekwondo Training Center
Susi and Abbey at the Seminar
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