
Thursday, March 13, 2008

In Hawaii (Thursday)

"I'm officially in Oahu! It's 80 degrees and windy, the palm trees are waving! :)" Ruth

"My first view of Hawaii" Ruth

"Hawaii is officially HUMID! It's gorgeous, 3pm here, We're too hot in jeans! :) most everyone is calling, texting family, etc. Flowers, palm trees, happy dances! Luggage claimed, We're on our way to hotel in our shuttle van."
"First order of business, get our rooms, at the hotel Ohana Honolulu hotel. second order of business, find a BEACH! ha ha!:) palm trees everywhere, flowers, birds. Some of us were disappointed, no one got leied when we got here. LoL! :) we will get better pictures to send once we get settled. 4pm now. It's very green. :) We're all jacked up again, most of us napped on the plane. :)" Ruth

"Exciting to say the least! Play tonight, work through the weekend. It's going to be great!" Master Bartholomew

"Ok. On our way to the beach. 5pm. Susi and Ruth learn to make the elevator have to use you keycard. Ha Ha! But We're on the bus, the sun is warm. There's a lady IN A SWEATSUIT! can't believe it! Sunny, but the mountains are wreathed in clouds, the water is so so so blue! There's skyscrapers, flowering trees and shrubs everywhere!" Ruth

"Hawaii baby!" Mr. V. Le

"Ate at Zippy's for dinner. Susi and some of the more adventurous had surf pak and Korean chicken, Ruth stuck with plain hamburger, thanks. Gorgeous sunset on waikiki beach, we all went swimming. Oceans are very salty, lol! Combed the beach for shells, only pebbles. PEBBLE! Then ride the bus around forever, we were on the wrong one. Now it's 8:30." Ruth

"Honolulu is on of the most gorgeous cities I've ever been to." Marcus Maximus