
Saturday, May 31, 2008

State Tournament - Bozeman

Poomse: 1st: Ruth, Rachel, Ryan C., Hunter, Ryan Watson

Poomse 2nd: Dylan, Brannon, Bonnie

Poomse 3rd: Ericka

Poomse 4th: Abbey, Tavin, Kallie, Evan

Doubles Poomse: Ruth and Rachel 1st

Creative Poomse: Ruth 2nd

Sparring 1st: Dylan, Abbey (and 1st in her second division)

Sparring 2nd: Tavin, Rachel

Sparring 3rd: Evan, Steart, Ryan C., Hunter, Ericka, Kallie, Bonnie

Sparring 4th: Brannon


Abbey got to Center Ref for the First time!!

MissoulaTKD got 3rd place overall.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summertime Reminders

We all are so looking forward to the change in weather that summer in Montana brings. We would like to remind our students of a few things as the weather changes.

We implore all of our students to wear shoes to and from the dojang. Aside from the obvious reasons of protecting the feet wearing shoes also protects the mat from a horrible film. For when we wear no shoes outside then walk directly on to the mat it is if walking on the mat while wearing your shoes. Clean feet also smell better and we all appreciate that.

Also, as a reminder, every student at MTC wears a similar or identical dobok and gear and when a whirl of dressing and undressing happens in the changing room often items don't match up with their proper owners. To help minimize mistaken and misplaced items please put identifying markings on all pieces of dobok, gear and the inside of the belt. Thanks for your help in minimizing the confusion that sometimes happens.

From the Desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Ceramics, Horseback trips and Chainsaw Carved Bears Oh My

The 2008 National Team members are holding a raffle. the proceeds of which will help Abbey, Dylan, Hunter, Kyle, Mark, Ryan, Mr. Bartholomew and Mr. Rosbarsky pay for their trips to Detroit, Michigan this July for USAT Senior Nationals and Junior Olympics.

Tickets are on sale now for $2 or 3/$5.00. Tickets are available at MTC or from Kyle, Mark, Abbey or Dylan.

The Grand Prizes for the June 27th raffle are a 1 day Horseback Adventure from Dunrovin Ranch including an arena lesson, 3-4 hour ride in the Backcountry and a picnic lunch, a Glenn Parks original ceramic piece or a 3 1/2 foot tall chainsaw carved bear ($500 value).

From the Desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Dinner and a Show (and Kick-a-thon)

Our end of the year bash takes new form this year as the First Annual Dinner and a Show.

Your whole family and your friends too are welcome to join us on Friday June 6th from 6-9PM. The evening will be packed with entertainment and dinner will be Bar-B-Q partially donated by Diamond Bar Meats.

Tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for children and $12 for a family of 4. that is dinner and entertainment for the entire family for just $12.

The Dinner will be grilled burgers and dogs from Diamond Bar Meats and the wonderful side dishes contributed by our TKD family.

The Show will be entertainment provided by MTC students. We have many talented individuals in our midst who will be performing musically in various ways and others will be acting. It all proves to be highly entertaining.

And always a crowd pleaser as part of the entertainment we will hold The MTC Kick-a-thon. Supremely entertaining the Kick-a-thon will showcase Taekwondoists performing as many kicks as they can possibly do in just 1 minute. It is great fun for the audience to get involved by supporting the kickers with cheers and applause.

We invite every MTC student to be involved in this event in some way. By bringing a dish, showcasing a talent or kicking in the kick-a-thon. Sign ups are on the counter.

All students are welcome to raise money for their personal Booster Club account by participating in the kick-a-thon. Forms are on the bulletin board or on our web site.

For answers to your questions, please see Mrs. Rosbarsky.

From the Desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Booster Club/Nationals Meeting

Families with people planning to attend Junior Nationals and Nationals please plan to attend a very important Booster Club/Nationals Meeting on June 9th at 6pm.

We will discuss the event as well as travel, and fundraising. We should also have some solid numbers. Things will happen much smoother this last month before the event if we can all be on the same page.

Looking forward to strengthening our team.

From the Desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

MTC to Join Relay for Life

In recent months our MTC family has been touched very profoundly by cancer. currently several of our family members are actively receiving treatment for their cancers. Most prominently MTC Black Belt and long time student, Paul Befumo, was found to have a malignant rumor in his brain which he underwent surgery for at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. He is now at home and in the midst of Chemo and radiation treatments. Paul is still a devout martial artist practicing on his own and taking lessons once a week. Currently 2 other MTC family members are battling cancers of their own, and over the years we have offered our support to others in our TKD community who have faced challenges related to cancer.

All of these experiences have compelled us to become involved in the fight for our MTC family and against cancers of all kinds in our community. At this point in our lives it seems the greatest bang for our buck, so to speak, will be to pull together in an organized effort to raise funds that will be used for research, support and education. There seems to be a strength in numbers where fundraising is concerned and the American Cancer Society organizes the Relay for Life as a community wide event to bring Missoula together to fight cancer, so we jumped in the arena to join the fight.

Helping out
Our goal is to raise $5000 by June 20th.

We are selling luminary bags to be decorated in honor of or in memory of someone who has been affected by cancer. Bags are for sale at the dojang for $10 each, buy one or buy many. also you may donate in any amount.

We are still looking to round out our team of at least 15 people to run and/or walk around the track for 16 hours and join the rest of the fun at the event.

Your help in any way is greatly appreciated.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Saturday, May 17, 2008

MTA Sparring Seminar

There were about 2 dozen competitors today that attended the MTA Sparring seminar and scrimmage held in Bonner Gym.
To see a slideshow of several Seminar pictures click here.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Paradise Valley Taekwondo Championships

Livingston, MT

One of the best tournaments in Montana!

Our team took third.

Poomse 1st--Ruth Austin, Bonnie Dotz, Danette Paige

Poomse 2nd--Megan Himber, Ericka Bigsby

Poomse 3rd--Abbey Ardianna, Ryan Watson, Mr. Parks, Kim Sturre,

Poomse participation--Dani Kay Paige, Ryan C., Dillon Ardianna, Lydia Rosbarsky, Megan

Sparring 1st--Bonnie Dotz, Dani Kay Paige, Dillon Ardianna, Ryan Watson, Danette Paige

Sparring 2nd--Ruth Austin, Abbey Ardianna, Kim Sturre, Megan Himber, Mr. Parks, Rick

Sparring 3rd-- Megan

If you know of other participants awards please email:
We are missing quite a few. Hopefully we will be able to fill in the blanks within the next few days. :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Livingston-Brian Gallagher Seminar

Great Seminar! We learned the new way the WTF is judging Poomse on the national level. Some interesting changes.

The second portion of the Seminar was ladder and cone drills.

The third portion, the participants geared up and did some sparring drills.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Black Belt Awards Ceremony

The Black Belt Awards Ceremony will be on May 1st at 6pm.

To see several picture from the test click here.
and pictures from the ceremony click here.

Thank you Ruth Austin for the great pictures.