Our end of the year bash takes new form this year as the First Annual Dinner and a Show.
Your whole family and your friends too are welcome to join us on Friday June 6
th from 6-9PM. The evening will be packed with entertainment and dinner will be Bar-B-Q partially donated by
Diamond Bar Meats.
Tickets are $5 for adults, $3 for children and $12 for a family of 4. that is dinner and entertainment for the entire family for just $12.
The Dinner will be grilled burgers and dogs from Diamond Bar Meats and the wonderful side dishes contributed by our
TKD family.
The Show will be entertainment provided by
MTC students. We have many talented individuals in our midst who will be performing musically in various ways and others will be acting. It all proves to be highly entertaining.
And always a crowd
pleaser as part of the entertainment we will hold The
MTC Kick-a-
thon. Supremely entertaining the Kick-a-
thon will showcase
Taekwondoists performing as many kicks as they can possibly do in just 1 minute. It is great fun for the audience to get involved by supporting the kickers with cheers and applause.
We invite every
MTC student to be involved in this event in some way. By bringing a dish, showcasing a talent or kicking in the kick-a-
thon. Sign ups are on the counter.
All students are welcome to raise money for their personal Booster Club account by participating in the kick-a-
thon. Forms are on the bulletin board or on our
web site.
For answers to your questions, please see Mrs.
From the Desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky