
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Colored Belt Test on Friday

Since there are a large number of sign-ups, test times for the February 27th test are as follows:

For those testing for yellow belt, your test will be from 5:00pm - 5:45pm.

For those testing for senior yellow to senior green, your test will be from 5:45 - 6:45pm.

For those testing for blue to senior red, your test will be from 6:45 - 8:00pm.
Concessions will be available. All proceeds go to the MTC Booster Club.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

News from Las Vegas - US Open

Abbey lost her first yesterday 4-1.

Chance has won his first 2 fights. His first was against China in overtime and then his second against Australia 7-0.