
Monday, January 31, 2011

Join in the FUN (Tournament)-for all MTC students, beginners & up

This tournament is perfect for tournament first-timers and for those looking to gear up for the Spring Tournament season in Montana.  For parents wondering if now is the right time to do a tournament, first, gauge if there is interest, if so then this tournament is the perfect one- friendliest environment, least driving, least expensive and most FUN.

Our previous FUN Tournaments have been great successes, in that they provide a wonderful gathering for all our students and a great learning tool for both parents and students.

To sign up please return a registration form by Friday, February 4th.  Registration Forms an Information can be obtained at the dojang or at

All individuals planning to compete must be in full uniform.  Sparrers must have their own forearm and shin/instep pads, mouthpiece and groin cup (total cost $23 for Girls and $33 for Boys).  Please purchase these items before the day of the tournament. Some sizes of gear are currently on order and slated for arrival Friday 2/4.  To help our event run fluidly please order and pay for your gear Monday thru Thursday at MTC and plan to pick up Friday 2/4.  Full gear also includes the helmet and chest protector all these items may be purchased at Missoula TKD but you are only encouraged to buy the helmet and chest protector if you know you will be attending tournaments outside the FUN tournaments as well, otherwise please feel free to borrow these 2 items from MTC.

Please note there is a staggered start time (9:45 for white and Yellow Belts and 12:00 for green and blue belts) and concessions all day by the Booster Club.

Remember: Red and Black Belts will compete for free if they help with refereeing and tournament operations.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Have a Valentine's Date and leave your kids at TKD

TKD Families can make the most of Valentine's Day by bringing their kids (potty trained through 12 years old) to the Fun Night at TKD.

The MTC Booster Club is hosting a Fun Night at TKD on February 13th.  There will be dinner and games from 5-10PM.

The cost is $15 per child and $10 for each additional child per family.

This Fun night will operate much like TKD Movie Nights except that there will be no one sleeping over.  An Italian Dinner will be served and there will be games and activities for all.

Sign up in advance on the BC Bulletin Board.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Helpful Info

Join the Business Network- if you are a MTC Family with a business we want to give you the opportunity to network with the MTC community.  Sign up on the Front Counter

New-Please contact Mrs. R to officially designate your primary TKD class.

Our Regular Class Schedule will continue through the summer, but may experience some minor changes.  Consult future Newsletters for more information.
The National Tournaments to be held in San Jose are open to all participants over age 6 and green belt and up, but preparations must begin now as the State Qualifier is February 26th (For more information contact Mrs. R)

The Booster Club exists to help make Taekwondo and Tournaments accessible for every interested person regardless of individual financial status.  Check out the Booster Club link at for more info.

Summer Camps at MTC will run the frist 2 weeks after MCPS lets out for the summer:  These will be day camps running from 9AM-3PM for 6-12 year olds (one or both weeks) and 9AM-11AM for 4-5 year olds (week 1 only).
Our Teen TKD Camp is planned for July as well.

This year we will be adding more camps, but we want your input.  Please email or stop by with your input about which weeks, what ages, content desired and so on.  Email

The Annual MTC Black Belt Test will be held April 2nd.  Those who are interested in testing please submit your commitment letter and non refundable fee of $150 by February 10th.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

MTC Family Member Profiled on ABC Family Show

A long time MTC family member, Jeff Jones, will have his story told on ABC Family's 700Club this month.  The piece will air on Friday February 4th at 10AM.

Jeff, a senior blue belt at MTC, spent a few days last fall being followed by a film crew.  He was interviewed and filmed going about his regular routine including a trip to workout at Missoula Taekwondo Center.

Jeff's is a story of turning an incredibly devastating life event into a catalyst for positive change in the lives of many.  Since struggling with depression in his teens and surviving a suicide attempt he has dedicated himself to instilling hope in adolescents and inspiring them to choose life over suicide.

Turn on the tube or use your DVR to record Jeff's inspirational message. (It will also be available to watch online following the broadcast on the 700 Club website)

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Electronic Hogu Seminar/Scrimmage and Montana State USAT National Qualifier

Master Rosbarsky, MTC and the MTA are hosting the Montana State Qualifier for 2011 Nationals in San Jose AND a seminar/scrimmage featuring the LaJust electronic hogu.

All athletes from Montana planning to attend USAT Nationals must qualify at the Montana State Qualifier on February 26th at 9AM.

The Seminar and Scrimmage are open to all MTA members and will be given by Master Rosbarsky, Master Dan Williams and Grand Master Scott Miranti.  The seminar and Scrimmage will follow the Qualifier from Noon to 5.

The LaJust electronic scoring system is utilized on the National level and this will be the first ever use and presentation of it in Montana.  All Taekwondoists are encouraged to join us.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fun Tournament February 5th

For ALL MTC student - Beginners to Advanced.

Ease into the Tournament Season with the MTC FUN Tournament only for MTC TKD Family members.

The Goal of the FUN Tournament:  Giving a great competition experience to all of our students while teaching everyone, students and parents, about the inner workings of a Taekwondo Tournament.

The FUN Tournament is a low stress way to experience TKD competition for the first time or to reengage after the long winter break.  We encourage all of our students to participate not only to learn about TKD competition but also to experience the wide world of TKD outside of Missoula Taekwondo Center.

We will run 2 rings and enjoy a staggered start.  Meaning all white thru Senior yellow belts will report at 9:45 and all Green thru Black Belts will report for competition at 11:45.

All Red and Black Belts (and Booster Club Volunteers) should report at 9:30 to ensure a smooth day.
The Booster Club will also offer full concessions throughout the day which should keep everyone fully charged and ready to engage in all the activities.

Registration is just $25 (about 1/2 the cost of most local tournaments) to encourage all MTC students to participate.  Red and Black Belts who volunteer to help will compete for Free.

This tournament is designed to give all MTC students a gentle introduction into competing the first time or an introduction to the 2011 tournament season.  We also will utilize this event to teach all parents and other spectators the rules of competition in TKD as well as what to do to ensure a positive experience for all.

Forms will be available at the dojang and at  

Please plan to attend and engage in friendly competition with your fellow MTC and STC students.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Nationals Just 25 Weeks Away

2011 Nationals in San Jose are for martial artists 6+ and Green Belt+.  MTC currently has 9 athletes committed to compete.

Although this is the first step toward international level competition this is not JUST an opportunity for those who believe they are superstars in Taekwondo but it really is for anyone who is willing to dedicate themselves to accomplishing a goal.

Please plan to attend the Jan 5th Booster Club meeting or call Mrs. Rosbarsky to let her know you are interested.  We are always interested in enabling our students to attain their goals.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

One Big Happy Family--Bigger is Better

We are entering our 10th year as Missoula Taekwondo Center and we have seen ourselves grow in numbers, knowledge and ability to positively affect the world.  We look far different today than we did when we opened in 2002.  Then: 40 students, 1 Quonset hut, 1 instructor.  Now: 200+ students, 1 specially designed Taekwondo Training Facility, classes and workouts led by 10 different instructors and infinitely more opportunity for all of our students to learn and grow in our dojang and in the wide world of life.

As we started our steady growth Steve and I constantly came back to the core idea that he, Master R, is the secret ingredient to what makes Missoula Taekwondo Center be truly special.  We do still realize the "magic" of Master R, but we can now see that so many of our students have taken what they have learned here and added more layers and depth that we all benefit from.

Our TKD family is the largest and most diverse in Montana and we are extremely proud of that.  Our students who have found enough worth in their training here to stay on for years are still growing but more importantly they are finding ways to contribute to their peers, their seniors and their juniors.  Because we are privileged to have so many perspectives each of you has the benefit of seeing martial arts and the world through hundreds of pairs of eyes.

Our daily training is enhanced through the energy created in a large body of like minded individuals and through the availability of numerous and varied training partners.  We make every efforts to keep our ratios of instructors to students in the 8 to 1 or lower ratio.  With our continued growth we are now offering a couple classes in addition to our current classes Mon and Wed Beginners 5:30-6:15 and Yellow to Sr. Green 6:15-7:15.

Thank you for being part of our family.  We love and value each of you.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Black Belt Test Coming Soon

Each year at Missoula Taekwondo Center a group of new candidates and goal oriented black belts test together for different levels of black belt, 1st through 5th Dan this year.  We strive to make this a meaningful experience by holding high expectations of the candidates and assembling a panel of well respected martial artists.  The test requirements consists of an 8 hour physical test, 3 papers, teaching requirements, board breaking and numerous specific skills including 16 colored belt forms plus the black belt forms.

This year's candidates have been hard at work perfecting their skills and improving strength and cardiovascular fitness.

We are still working to find the date that will suit our candidates and our panel.  We will notify all candidates and interested individuals when the information is available.  For this and all other important announcements, we utilize Facebook and Twitter.  So for this and other important TKD related info Friend us on Facebook or text "follow mtcweb" to 40404 then reply with your first and last name to receive important MTC tweets.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

TKD Ski Day--WooHoo!!!

All MTC students and families are invited to join our annual ski day at Discovery on January 22nd.  We will leave for the hill from the TKD School at 8AM.  Lessons begin at 10:30AM.

They give us great group rates (Adult $30, Kids $15) but you have to sign up in advance to get the rates.  All sign up and payment must happen by Friday January 14th to get the discounted rate.  Please make checks payable to Missoula Taekwondo Center. 

Plans include a 1PMish lunch in the lodge (bring sack lunch or $$$) followed by a group run down Gold Bug.  We plan to leave the hill around 4PM arriving back in Missoula around 6ish.
We hope to see all you ski and board -ers up there.  We welcome you too if you have a season pass or join us on a whim.  Be sure to put your name in the car pool list too.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky