
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dinner and a Show (with Kick-a-thon)

Join us for some great entertainment and tasty dishes, On Friday May 7th from 6-9pm.

The main dish will be master R's Korean Barbque Beef (Bulgogi) which will be accompanied by everyone's favorite dishes.  If you are interested in making a Korean dish but do not have a good recipe, we would be very happy to give you one.

The entertainment will be provided by our multi-talented  TKD family (that means you).  Sign up on the counter to be included in the line up.  Acts can consist of any type talent that is entertaining for all ages.  The time limit per act is 3 minutes.  Please see Mrs. Rosbarsky if you have questions or have special considerations.

We also will hold the Kick-a-thon during the Dinner and a Show.  All MTC students may participate in the kick-a-thon by gathering pledges in advance and kicking as many times as they can in 1 minute.  This is a super easy and fun MTC Booster Club fundraiser.

Sign up for the talent show and Kick-a-thon forms are on the front counter.

Again this year we will have a silent auction with many great items like a custom made Belt Rack, Hand Made Soap filled basket and a pamper yourself basket.  The Booster Club and MTC Junior and Senior National Team would greatly appreciate your donated items to be auctioned off.

Funds from the Silent Auction, ticket sales and individual Kick-a-thon funds will be used for our athletes and coaches to offset the expenses associated with competing at and traveling to USA Taekwondo Junior Olympics and Senior Nationals this summer.
This is an incredibly affordable evening of fun, food and fellowship for your whole family and our whole (TKD) family.
Tickets are on sale at MTC: $3 for kids, $5 for adults or $12 for a family of 4.
 from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Thank you Volunteers

We hosted our first MTC neighborhood Clean Up day on April 24th in conjunction with the MTC Booster Club Garage Sale.

A small percentage of MTC students lent a hand in the clean up, but those who participated did a great service to our dojang and TKD family.

Thank you Graefs, Parks, Saunders, Sawyers, Jeff Quackenbush, Kim STurre, Ruth Bartholomew, Viet Le, Ayla Gorley and HD Goodman (I am very sorry if I forgot anyone.)

Thanks also to Robin Goodman, Shannon Hahn, Kim Sawyer and Deb Westrom for running a great Garage Sale.

We appreciate that you all took the time to help our dojang and TKD community.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Summer Camps

This summer we will offer our ever popular Kickin' Summer Off Right and Li'l Kickers Camp in June.  Then we will also add camps in July and August, including Teen Camp in July, a demonstration camp in August and camps for ages 4-6 July 12-16, and August 9-13, and ages 7-12 August 9-13

Kickin' Summer Off Right Camp for kids age 7-12 will be held June 14th-18th and 21st-25th, 9am-3pm daily. (1 or both weeks)
  • $195 for week one, $205 for week two or $385 for both weeks.  Early registrants receive a $20 discount before May 15th.
  • These 10 days will include all facets of Taekwondo instruction, ceramics construction and decoration, other art exploration, lots of games and some fun in the sun.
  • Campers who reach for their potential doing both weeks of camp will test for their next belt on the final day of camp.
Li'l Kickers day camp for ages 4-6.  This is a great camp for our youngest practitioners to gain confidence in their abilities inside the dojang and out.
  • Camp will include Taekwondo instruction in forms, sparring, self defense and basics and other fun and confidence building activities.
  • $95. Early registrants receive a $10 discount before May 15th.
All camps will be instructed by Master Rosbarsky and MTC Black Belts, including Master Glenn Parks teaching our ceramics portion.  We also will be incorporating instruction from Childbloom guitar.
Call 829-1329 for info, and forms are online at 

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Annual All School Class

Every student is invited to participate in our All School Class on June 3rd.  Weather permitting we will be at Franklin Park from 6-7pm.

This is a fun way to be with all of our TKD Family members.  It is powerful to see all the people who count you as part of their family; all the people you have to look up to and the ones who look up to you.

This gathering is for ALL MTC students.  From white belt to black belt and all levels in between.  We will hold a giant sized regularly formatted class.  Immediately following we will gather for our annual school photo.  There will be no retakes so to be included you must be there.

8X10 copies of the group photo will be available for purchase.

Black Belt Meeting-Following the group photo All MTC Black Belt Candidates are called to the first of our newly scheduled quarterly meetings.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Movie Nights, Lock Ins and Movie Outings

Finally, the time has come once again to host a MTC Movie Night.  All MTC 7-12 year olds are invited to our Movie Night/Lock in May 14th.  Kids come from 7:30PM to 8AM with their toothbrush, sleeping bag and willingness to have a good time.  We play games, watch movies, climb the walls (literally) and get some shut eye.  The cost is $25 and space is limited so sign up soon.

And our first ever Teen Lock in for 13-17 year old MTC family members will be May 21st from 7:30PM to 9:30AM.  We will have a battle of the bands, climb the rock wall, watch movies have popcorn and pizza all for $15 per person.  Sign up on the counter.

(Black Belts are needed to help chaperone --sign up at TKD.)

Look in the June Newsletter about a group outing to the new Karate Kid movie.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Monday, April 5, 2010

Enjoy a Fun, Meaningful Summer

The greatest part about summer is the greater flexibility we all have to explore the things that truly interest us.  We are privileged to offer our summer camps to our students so they may spend some time exploring Taekwondo with a greater than average intensity as well as developing lasting bonds with their peers and MTC Black Belts.

In June we offer camps for all belt levels (even beginners) ages 4 to 12.

  1. Two weeks of the Kickin' Summer Off Right Camp for kids age 7-12 will be held June 14th-18th and 21st-25th, 9am to 3 pm daily. (one or both weeks)
  2. Li'l Kickers day camp for ages 4-6 will be held June 14th-18th, 9am-11am
Kickin' Summer Off Right.
  • These 10 days will include all facets of Taekwondo instruction, ceramics construction and decoration, other art exploration lots of games and some fun in the sun.
  • $195 for week one, $205 for week two or $385 for both weeks.  Early registrants receive a $20 discount before May 15th.
  • Campers who reach for their potential doing both weeks of camp will test for their next belt on the final day of camp.
Li'l Kickers
  • This is a great camp for our youngest practitioners to gain confidence in their abilities inside the dojang and out.
  • Camp will include Taekwondo instruction in forms, sparring, self-defense and basics and other fun and confidence building activities.
  • $95. Early registrants recive a $10 discount before May 15th.
Both camps will be instructed by Master Rosbarsky and MTC Black Belts, including Master Glenn Parks teaching our ceramics portion.

We look forward to a FUN meaningful summer.

Registrations available at (soon)  or at the dojang.

You Are Invited to Hang a Picture

We were recently inspired to hang some photos of one of our students caught candidly doing his Poomse on the beach, and would like to invite all of our students to contribute to our wall of photos.

Please go through your photos and find your best martial arts pictures of you, or other MTC family members, performing techniques or enjoying MTC or other TKD related events.

We will hang the photos (please make copies for us and keep the originals/files) you bring to us on the wall behind the bleachers.  Please choose a wood toned frame of an appropriate size for the picture.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Summer Schedule

The Summer Schedule runs from 6/14--9/3.

There is an abbreviated Friday Schedule with just Poomse classes being held from 4pm-4:30pm for White Belt Poomse. and 4:30pm-5:30pm for all other Poomse. 

We will be closed for holidays July 2nd-5th.

In addition to regular classes, we will have camps throughout the summer. 
  • Age 4-6: June 14-18, July 12-16, and August 9-13
  • Age 7-12: June 14-18, June 21-25 and August 9-13
  • Age 13-17: (red belt and up) July 23rd-24th  (overnight)
Call 829-1328, visit Follow us on Twitter or join our group on Facebook for more information.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Dinner and a Show

Our Annual Spring Gathering, Dinner and a Show, is scheduled for May 7th at 5:30pm.

The show will be a conglomeration of talents (a Talent Show) displayed by MTC students.  All MTC students are invited to participate with a musical, dancing, acting or other entertaining talent.  We are looking for all ages and ability levels, participants need not be experts.  Acts should adhere to a 3 minute or less performance.  Also, part of the show is the Kick-a-thon.  This portion of the event is a display by any willing participants, who have secured pledges, of 1 minute of intense kicking.  Adding to the festivities will be a Booster Club silent auction.  Many great items have been donated so far (including a hand made TKD belt rack) and the Booster Club will be assembling more great prizes and welcome your fantastic contributions.

The dinner portion will consist of a Korean Style Bar-B-Que with pot luck sides.

Tickets will be available for sale at the dojang.  $5 for Adults, $3 for Kids and just $12 for a family of 4

To particpate in the Dinner, Show or Kick-a-thon please check out the front counter at the gym or ask Mrs. Rosbarsky.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Spring Cleaning--Let's do it together.

MTC and the MTC Booster Club will host a Garage Sale and a Neighborhood Clean Up Day on April 24th.

We are proud to be part of the greater Missoula Community and want to show it.

Join us and don your work gloves to help us beautify MTC and our neighborhood on April 24th from 9am-3pm.  There is a way for everyone to contribute.

Also, we would love to take your semi valuable lingerings and sell them at our school wide garage sale the same day.

Find more info at the Dojang and at our Facebook Event Page

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Yearly Odor Reminder

It bears mentioning this time of year that we, as a group, sweat.  And when you sweat in an enclosed space it is smelly.

SOOO...Please remember to be proactive in fighting odors.  Clean Doboks.  Clean Feet.  Clean bodies.  Wear Deodorants.  Our noses thank you.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky