
Monday, September 17, 2012

MTC Tournament

The weekend of October 20th we will play host to martial artists from around the state and region.  Last year, topping out at over 200 competitors, we hosted our 9th Missoula Taekwondo Championships.  This year promises to be even greater with continued support from our region and interest coming from new schools in Utah and Idaho.

This event has been an incredible experience in the past because so many of you give of your time and efforts on tournament day and leading up to the event.

In early October look for registrations, paper and online, and volunteer sign up sheets.

The Missoula Taekwondo Championships is only a success because of the group effort put forth by our TKD Family.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Get your Varsity Letter for Taekwondo

An important part of enjoying life as a teen is positive peer recognition.  MTC martial artists can get that when earning their letter.  All Missoula Taekwondo Center students who are also Missoula County Public Schools students have the ability to earn their Varsity Letter in Taekwondo if they meet the specified requirements.

The requirements for 2012 are:

  1. Obtain a sports physical by September 10th.
  2. Be a member of USA Taekwondo.
  3. Attain a 2nd Geup (red belt) and compete as such in a Montana Taekwondo Association sanctioned tournament.
  4. Maintain the district minimum GPA of 2.0 or higher during the school year and passing at least 5 classes.
  5. Maintain an average of 5 hours of instruction per week throughout the year, including prior approved (by Master or Mrs. R) conditioning and practice time.  A record of hours spent being instructed or practicing must be kept by the student and turned in with grades on a monthly basis.
  6. Be financially responsible for all fees associated with competing. (The MTC Booster Club is available as a resource for each student to earn enough to cover tournament related expenses.  Joining is just $15/year)
  7. Comply with the MCPS Cod of Conduct
  8. A parent must provide grades to MTC monthly
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Staying Connected with MTC is Easy

You have already accessed on of the main sources of information about happenings at Missoula Taekwondo Center by reading this newsletter, and the monthly newsletter will continue to be a source of wide variety of useful tidbits.  Although useful for long range planning the monthly distribution does not always allow for the most timely dissemination of current info. is the greatest source of all things associated with MTC.  Use it to reference schedules, media , upcoming events, belt requirements and so much more.

The most up to the minute information about things such as closures, schedule changes, belt tests and more can be accessed with ease on Facebook and you will receive notifications on your cell phone when you follow us on Twitter.

Log on to your Facebook and become friends with Missoula Taekwondo Center and "like" our page to see what is going on and interact with your TKD family.

To follow us on Twitter, text "follow mtcweb" without quotes to 40404.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

House Cleaning

The locker rooms have become a depository of sorts and we wish to curb this.  We continue to have many martial artists using these spaces every day and we wish to have an uncluttered, unsmelly place for our students to change and use the facilities.  Black Belts, you may keep your gear in the locker room, in a gear bag, on top of the cubbies when you are not in class.  These spaces will be cleared out weekly.

Thank you for taking responsibility for the space we share.