
Monday, November 30, 2009

A Sincere Thanks

For the month of December we are offering our TKD Family something special, to say Thank You.

We invite all of our regular students to enjoy the perks of the Black Belt Club for FREE. That means if you are normally signed up to attend 2 classes per week, you may, for the month of December, attend additional classes at no extra charge. This includes the Sparring and Poomse Classes which are held on Fridays (click here for new schedule).

And as a special thank you to our current Black Belt Club Members- our custom Designed 2010 MTC Tshirt for FREE. We will hand these Tshirts out to our Black Belt Club members on December 21st and 22nd. Black Belt Club members please get your Tshirt size to Mrs. R. by December 7th.

We, the Rosbarsky’s, would like to take a moment to say how touched we have been during recent months to hear so many of our students, new and long time, express their gratitude for their Missoula Taekwondo Center Family. We realized over the course of our journey with MTC that in order to garner the most meaning from our TKD experience and life in general we should foster an environment for the growth of meaningful relationships. Many times, without Steve and I having an active hand in them, deep meaningful friendships develop. We can see the devotion each of you has to self betterment and to giving back to your fellow martial artists through support and encouragement. At so many turns, in small ways and obvious ways, our MTC family is expressing gratitude and showing their appreciation for our TKD community—from every candidate at the most recent Black Belt Ceremony, to Abbey’s quotes in the Missoulian, to many other less public shows and recently by Edison when asked at his preschool Thanksgiving feast what he is thankful for and he replies, “I am thankful for my Taekwondo Friends.”

We can think of no greater compliment than hearing our vision reflected back to us by so many.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

2 Day only - - Everything on Sale

Our version of Black Friday will come a little later and last a little longer than most retail outlets, and we offer things for your martial artist that other Missoula retailers don’t (doboks, hogu and groin cups, oh my).

On Wednesday and Thursday December 9th and 10th, everything in the MTC Pro shop will be 25% off.

This will include doboks, DVDs, sparring gear, Ornaments, MTC logo wear and any other thing we have in stock.

Sorry this is limited to stock on hand and will not apply to special orders. (side note: Special Orders must be placed by December 8th to arrive on time.)

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

MTC Paddle Ball Tournament and Pot Luck

Saturday December 19th, we will host the 2nd Annual MTC Paddleball Tournament followed by a Holiday Pot Luck.

All MTC students, parents and siblings are welcome to participate. We will hold 2 brackets: 1 for groups predominately aged 11 and under and another for groups predominately 12 and over. (We may adjust this based on actual participants.). Teams may be made up of 3 participants (no substitutions). Teams may be all male, all female or coed. Each match will be refereed and made up of (2) 3 minute halves, with a 1 minute overtime if needed. Full rules will be available for view the week of the tournament.

Sign up by December 16th on the front counter to participate in the tournament. Also, if you would like to play, but do not have a team assembled yet, put the word out there about your free agency by jotting your name on the signup sheet as well. Registration fee is $30 per team. This is a slight increase over last year to offset the cost of replacing paddles that are very well worn from paddle ball practice and game and to purchase a plaque for the dojang to be engraved yearly with the name of the overall winning team.

The PotLuck is for our entire MTC Family and will begin at 1PM. Please plan to bring your favorite holiday dish to share, or if you don’t have a culinary masterpiece to bring, we always need drinks, plates, cups, napkins, and utensils.

This is a crazy time of year for us all and we would like to offer this moment for us all to enjoy a simple gathering and enjoy some good food and competition.

Please join us for a few moments or a few hours to mingle with your TKD family, eat some good food, and participate in or watch the 2nd Annual MTC Paddle Ball Tournament.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

TKD in Stevi

We are incredibly excited to announce the expansion of our Taekwondo family with the 2010 opening of our NEW Stevensville Taekwondo Center. Mr. Viet Le will be the Head Instructor at this new school, and we, the Rosbarskys, will continue to run MTC.

Look for more information in upcoming newsletters.

Schedule Change

In December we will adjust our Friday schedule to accommodate a change which will be in full effect in January.


4-4:30 White Belt Poomse

4:30-5:15 – Taeguek 2-4 and Palgwe 1-3

5:15-6:00 – Taeguek 5-8 and Palgwe 4-8

6-7 – Colored Belt Sparring

4:30-5:15 White Belt Sparring***

***This class will begin January 15th

We continue to encourage our upper belts to participate in the teaching of forms in the 4:30 Poomse class. We feel this is beneficial to the lower belt students as well as the upper belt students. Feel free to pose questions to Mr. or Mrs. Rosbarsky regarding this issue.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

First Night Demonstration

Participating in demonstrations is a fun way to exhibit Taekwondo skills including basics, poomse, self defense as well as board and brick breaking. Being on the Demonstration team at MTC is open to everyone. Including white belts, black belts and everyone in between.

Demonstration practices will begin December 8th and be every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00-7:30 through the 22nd. There will also be practices over the Holiday Break on the 28th, 29th and 30th from 6:00-7:00pm. These practices may be extended depending on how the demonstration is coming together. There will also be a final rehearsal on the 31st at 11AM followed by lunch and then heading to the Mall for the Demonstration at 2PM. We will also demonstrate at the Missoula County Health Fair on January 9th also at the Mall, time for this demo will be early afternoon exact time to follow.

If you would like to join this demo team please sign up on the counter at the gym and plan to be available for all practices.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Friday, October 30, 2009

Our TKD Family Rocks!

On October 24th we held our 6th Annual Missoula Taekwondo Center Championships at the RAM Activity Center in Missoula. After reflecting for a few days I can honestly say this was not only our best tournament to date but also the best tournament I have ever attended!

For those of you who don't already know we were in an unusual circumstances for a tournament.  Five days before the tournament, we were made aware of a time conflict which would force us out of the venue by 2:30pm.  Our earliest finish time had previously been 4pm.  After the initial momentary pause in respirations, we gathered our wits and decided we could rise to the challenge.  And rise we did!

Our TKD family rallied and offered support of all kinds.  There were so many hands to help in every area of the tournament: concessions, button sales, silent auction, set up and take down and tournament operations.  From the moment the tournament began on time (and did not surrender to "Taekwondo Time") through every transition our MTC Family operated smoothly and efficiently.  Every duty was attended to without a moment of hesitation and all the while people interacted happily with the goal of enabling every participant, coach, referee, volunteer and spectator to have the most beneficial experience possible.

We finished competition in 4 hours and 47 minutes and were completely cleaned up and our of the venue before 2:30.  I heard rumor the day of the tournament that the reason we operated so efficiently was because we were smaller than ever before.  In actuality, we had 124 competitiors which was five more than any other year.

Thank you all, you are amazing.

I am honored to be part of such an amazing group and I am humbled to call you all family.

Thanks, Amanda Rosbarsky

The Bus is On

For the 3rd year in a row the MTC Booster Club (Thank you Kim Sturre) has organized a Beachliner to take MTC students to Kalispell for the Big Sky Martial Arts Tournament.  We recommend this tournament to all our students.

The cost of the bus is $20 per person, $60 per family of up to 5 members and $75 for a family of 6 or more.

This bus trip is a great way to have a shared experience with your MTC family.  We will depart the Mall parking lot at 5:30 AM November 14th and return following competition.

Seats are going very fast so sign up on the front counter ASAP.  Payment due by November 8th.

MTA Referee Seminar and Scrimmage

All MTC Family members are invited to learn what the referees know.

Want to learn all the sparring rules and how to operate the electronic scoring equipment in Montana?

MTC will host a Montana Taekwondo Association Referee Seminar presented by Master Steve Rosbarsky which is open to everyone 14 and over.  The seminar will be Saturday November 7th from 10am to 1 pm followed by a scrimmage from 1-2pm open to all ages and belt levels.  We will utilize the scrimmage as an opportunity for referee seminar participants to get some low stress practice and for competitors an opportunity for additional ring time at no cost.

The cost of the seminar is $35.  And those who wish to referee at MTA events can purchase the referee polo shirt for $15.  Certification applications are available at or at Missoula Taekwondo Center.

Scholarships will be available for this seminar.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

USAT Referee Seminar

MTC will host a USA-Taekwondo referee certification at Missoula Taekwondo Center on December 5th.

Master Randy Waitman, of Williston Dae Myung in Williston, North Dakota, a certified International Referee with the most current information will present to all interested Black Belts from the region.

We encourage all of our Black Belts to participate in this seminar which will be about $60.

Having USAT Referee credentials is a great step along your path as a Black Belt.  See Mrs. Rosbarsky for more info.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Demo Team Practices Starting up for First Night

The First Night Demonstration Team is open to every MTC student who is interested and willing to dedicate themselves to make it to the practices to be held in December.  Please sign up in advance at the Dojang.

The Missoula Taekwondo Center Demonstration Team will be performing for the 8th year in a row at First Night Missoula a citywide New Years Eve celebration.  We will perform at the Mall at 2pm December 31st as well as teaching a class at the Downtown Dance collective.  Then the following Saturday at the Missoula County Health Fair also at the mall the MTC Demo Team will demonstrate again.

This experience is open to all MTC students from white belt to black belt and every age from 4 years old and up.  This is an opportunity for our students to show their friends and family all of the great things they work year round to perfect.

Practices will be twice weekly in December and will also be held during Winter Break.  A schedule will come in next month's newsletter.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Colored Belt Test

Our next colored belt test is Friday November 6th.  Test times will be posted by Wednesday the 4th.  To test please sign up on the front counter.

From yellow through senior red belt individuals should test every 3 months to ensure they do not become stagnant and have constant progression  Also all Sr Red Belts should continue the testing pattern every 3 months as a test leader to fulfill their Black Belt Testing Requirements.

We have found that regular practice outside of class is one of the biggest factors in creating confident and proficient martial artist.

For Poomse practice the Power Poomse DVDs have proven themselves to be incredibly useful.  They are available at MTC for $30 for the Taeguek or Palgwe series or $50 for the set.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Missoula Taekwondo Championships

Hosting the Missoula Taekwondo Championships is our opportunity to bring our MTC family together and host other Martial Artists from throughout our region.  We will be at the RAM Activity Center on Saturday October 24th.

We love this event because of the great spirit that our family has shown by coming together to provide our state with a fun, fair experience.  There are many ways to participate including:  competition, refereeing, volunteering in various capacities, donations of food and other items to the Booster Club and, of course, just being in attendance to watch and cheer on the rest of the Missoula TKD Center family.  We encourage everyone to take part in this event in at least one capacity.

To register to compete, please fill out and return a registration sheet by Tuesday, October 20th. (There are also registration sheets available at but keep in mind that all MTC students registration fee is only $35).  All ages and belt levels are encouraged to compete, and competition will be in forms, sparring, creative forms and group forms.

There are many areas volunteers will be needed including set up and take down, sales, data entry and concessions.  There is a clip-board on the front counter with sign up sheets for all the various duties.  We really appreciate the giving nature of our MTC Family and thank everyone in advance for helping out.

Our tournament is our greatest and most fun gathering of the year and we look forward to sharing the experience with all of our Taekwondo Family.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

"Building on Basics" Sparring Seminar

Mr. Rosbarsky will be hosting the "Building on Basics" sparring seminar in conjunction with the MTChampionships once again the Friday before the tournament on October 23rd from 6-8pm at Missoula Taekwondo Center. 

This seminar is based on the theory that good basics are the best building blocks for a great sparring strategy.  New students and those who have been compteting for years will all benefit from this seminar.

The cost is $20 for tournament participants and $30 for non-participants.

To register please use the tournament registration form. 

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Being a Happy, Successful Martial Artist

At Missoula Taekwondo Center our goal is to enable all of our students to become successful human beings as well as goal driven martial artists who enjoy the process of working toward their goals.  Some recent encounters with various students and their parents has highlighted, in my mind, a few clarifications regarding this statement.

First, an adult MTC student shared with us that she had a realization.  She was not only  not enjoying the process of her work in TKD, she was not even fully living it, by constantly thinking forward to the next task she needed to perform.  Consequently she was not fully present on the mat and disappointed with herself for underperforming. 
For all of us the lesson is:  Come to Taekwondo (and all things in life) fully prepared to give your undivided attention and full energy to the task at hand, so that you may enjoy the full benefit of what life is offering up to you.  Otherwise you will walk through Taekwondo and life without truly discovering your potential.

Second, a MTC parent said to me:  "My child is bad at Poomse."  When truly analyzed from our perspective this student is amazing at all aspects of Taekwondo, including Poomse.  Every class he gives his all and excels at whatever he tries.  It is true that he makes at least 90% of his classes which meet 2 days per week, and that when it is time to perform Poomse for a test or tournament he still struggles.  What is the disconnect? 
For all of us the lesson is:  Poomse (a set pattern of self defense against imaginary attackers) needs to be performed on a regular basis to be committed to memory). The method we recommend is to define a time, of 15 minutes or less each day, (like right before TV time) to dedicate to doing Poomse.

Recently we have worked on Poomse in each class, then asked students to perform them in the Sept. Tip Tests.  Every student experienced a marked improvement.  We watched them all enjoy the feelings of accomplishment and ask all MTC families to carve out a small amount of practice time so we can continue this beneficial trend.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Cookie Dough Sale

All MTC students may participate in the Cookie Dough Sale to earn money they can use for tournaments, gear and fun TKD events.  Pick up a cookie dough sheet and sell as much as possible.  Cash prizes awarded for the fastest to turn in $$ and form for top sellers.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Tournament Planning/Kids Pay for Their Own

This months gathering of MTC support people will include time to workout details associated with the tournament and fundraising efforts.  Also, come learn how the Booster Club can enable your family to raise funds to offset out of pocket expenses for Taekwondo activities and gear. 

We call all available parents, competitors and supporters to a General Meeting on Wednesday October 7th from 6pm to 7pm. This short meeting will cover many important issues regarding fundraising opportunities and fun events.  With the tournament coming up there will be lots to discuss.  We also hope to arrange for some fun events this fall including a bus to the November tournament.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Haunted House and Pot Luck Halloween Party

The MTC Halloween Party is BACK! And this year Halloween falls on Saturday so the party will be super fun and spooky with our haunted house back for the second year in a row.

We are excited to invite all of our students and their families to join our ghouly fun.  Please plan to bring 5 nonperishable food items as your entrance fee (to be donated to the Missoula Food Bank, last year we donated 437 lbs.!).

We will have dishes catered from China Garden and invite all to bring their favorite dish to share, or for those who prefer to not cook we always need drinks, plates, forks and spoons.

Watch for specific times to come out later this month.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Saturday, September 5, 2009

New Mobile Website

If you have internet on your phone, this website will come in handy to view the calendar, class times or contact information on the go........

Monday, August 31, 2009

FUN Tournament and MTChampionships Coming Up Fast

Our 3rd Fun Tournament will be September 12th.

All MTC students are invited and encouraged to participate by Sparring or doing their Poomse. (Parents are also encouraged to be active spectators and be a part of the Booster Club Concessions.) This event will be fun and beneficial for all, but especially for those who are just being introduced to Taekwondo and/or tournaments. This is a great way to get your feet wet for the Fall '09 tournament season or to discover the benefits of Taekwondo tournament in a safe familiar environment for about 1/2 the cost of most local tournaments. Sign ups are on the bulletin board or online at The cost is $25 per person. Please sign up by Friday September 11th.

We also encourage participation in our annual invitational, the Missoula Taekwondo Championships to be held in Missoula's RAM Activity Center on Saturday, October 24th. This will be a great opportunity to connect with the greater Montana Taekwondo community.

To have the greatest benefit from these events we encourage all families to find ways to be involved. Our event will be most successful with help from our entire TKD family. Sign up sheets for the FUN Tournament will be available this week and sign up sheets will be available for the October 24th tourney in late September.

The food sales for both tournaments will be handled by the Booster Club. With donated food items it may be possible for the food sales to generate a profit to be used for fun events and assisting students in need. Requested items include: Hoagie Rolls, Lunch Meats, Sliced Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Condiments, Homemade Salads and Soups, individually wrapped deserts and treats, fruit, disposable plates, bowls and utensils.

We would love for you to join us in putting on this wonderful event and we truly appreciate our diverse family with varied individual talents at MTC.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Movie Night--September 18th

MTC Movie Night and all night sleepover is back on Friday September 18th.

The Movie Night is an all night event for MTC students and their friends ages 7-12 beginning at 7pm and ending at 8am the following morning. There will be some movies, games, pizza, popcorn, and soooo much fun.

Please sign up at the front desk by September 16th. The cost is $30 or $50 for 2 children from the same household. Individuals may use their Booster Club Funds to pay for this event. Make checks out to MTC Booster Club and if there are any questions see Mrs. R.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Connect with MTC to have Current Information

With the more free flowing summer coming to an end and the world getting back on a regular schedule, we are very excited to jump back into normalcy. We do recognize that there continue to be some holes in our communication and in an effort to minimize them, we intend to utilize the technologies available to us.

To remain connected with us and find yourself always in the know, please utilize the following options:

  • Our website,, kept by our amazing Black Belt, Kim Sturre, offers a plethora of information including class schedule, calendar, pictures, videos, judo and items of special interest. The website reflects up to date information, so if you have a question, referencing it is a very good idea.
  • Also, if you Face Book you can join our Missoula Taekwondo Center Page and receive updates about upcoming events.
  • To get the most up to the minute information you can follow us on Twitter. Twitter will send momentary notices by text message to your cell phone regarding schedule changes, fun happenings or tournament updates. To follow us text follow mtcweb to 40404 from you cell phone You will receive a response which you should respond to with your first and last name. (or sign up online at

  • Lastly, you can receive this very newsletter by email instead of snail mail. Just return the enclosed form to Mrs. Rosbarsky.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Note a Small Schedule Change

Friday Poomse Classes will be 4-4:30 White Belt Poomse, 4:30-5:15 Blue-Black Belt Poomse, 5:15-6:00 Yellow-Sr. Green Belt Poomse, 6-7 all levels sparring. We are making this change to encourage our upper belts to utilize their knowledge to help those coming up behind them.

Also, please be sure to check the website/facebook/twitter for updates regarding schedule changes. NOTE: Sept 18th ALL Poomse 4-5pm, Sparring 5-6pm (to accommodate Movie Night)

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Booster Club Open Meeting Sept. 9th

MTC Parents, students and supporters are called to a 6pm gathering to reorganize the MTC Booster Club. We will elect board members, plan Fall opportunities and plan for the 2009-2010 tournament season. Attendance at this meeting is essential for the survival of this organization.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

U of M Homecoming Parade--"Sweet Home Montana"

MTC will again participate in the U of M Homecoming Parade on October 10th. The togetherness of the Missoula community is never greater than at the Homecoming Parade and this is a great way to be involved in our greater Missoula community.

This is a demonstration opportunity for all Missoula Taekwondo Center students. We will be walking, doing Taekwondo movements and handing out candy and cards to those along the parade route. To participate in this event with us please sign up at the dojang by October 1st. All of our students are welcome regardless of age and rank. Parents are also welcome to walk with us and hand out candy. Practices will be held only for 1/2 hour each on October 6th and 8th.

We will wear Griz colored MTC shirts for the parade. Shirts for parade participants will only be $10, for all others shirts will be available for $15. Be sure to have your shirt order in by September 24th to ensure having your shirt for parade day.

Please call 829-1328 or email with questions.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

TKD Demonstration Camp and Ceramics Camp for all Ages/Levels

Again this year the MTC Demonstration Team will participate in the River City Roots Festival in Caras Park. This year our performance will be on Sunday August 30th at 1pm.

Preparations for this demonstration will take place in the Demonstration Team Camp. This is for all ages and belt levels who wish to participate in the Roots Festival Demo. Everyone who participates in the camp will have a part in the demonstration. The camp will be August 25th-27th 9:30AM-11:30AM each day. Camp curriculum will include demonstration sequences, breaking techniques, poomse for demonstration and skits. The cost is $55/person. Booster Club funds may be used.

In conjunction with the MTC Demo Camp is ceramics camp with Mr. Glenn Parks. Mr. Parks' camp will run August 25-27 from 12:30PM-2:30PM.

Young artists will be creating, learning and taking home ceramics projects. With technical demonstration and personal assistance provided in class.

The cost for this camp is $55.

Do both camps for only $100. Campers doing both camps may bring a sack lunch and remain at MTC over the 1 hour break.

We look forward to a great group for this year's Demo.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Change for the Black Belt Test

Circumstances have arisen that we have decided to make a change to the date for this year's Black Belt Test. the test which was originally scheduled for September 19th will now take place on October 3rd.

We apologize for needing to make this change and have weighed our options carefully. After much consideration, we feel this option will provide the best opportunity for all of our candidates to have a positive Black Belt Testing experience.

Once again, to enable all to have a positive testing experience, please inform Mrs. Rosbarsky via commitment letter of one's intent to test.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Fall Schedule 2009

A full Friday Schedule will begin on Friday September 11th. For Black Belt Club Members, Friday Classes are free..... and for others additional classes are $5 each. Although these are not required classes, it is highly recommended to make them a part of your monthly routine. These classes are intended to help you refine your Poomse and Sparring Skills, but are not intended to be one's only practice time.
Please be advised that Friday Classes may be changed or cancelled due to a Belt Test or other event. Please watch the newsletter and website for any changes.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Congratulations MTC National Team / Preparations for 2010 Nationals begin at Ice Cream Social

This year a very small team made up of just 3 athletes traveled to Austin Texas for the 2009 USA Taekwondo Junior Olympics and Senior Nationals. Dylan Ardiana, Abbey Ardiana and Austin James all came home with Gold Medals.
Austin and Dylan both fought in the "Grassroots" Elite Open Division which you do not need to qualify to compete in, and they both won their respective sparring divisions. While Abbey qualified for both the 14-17 year old and 18-32 year old divisions. After losing her first fight in the Junior Division, she went on to win 4 fights to become the National Champion in the Women's Feather Weight Division. Becoming a National Champion from Montana has not been achieved by any Montanan in 12 years.
We congratulate you, Abbey, and are excited to see where your path will now take you. You are poised to accomplish all you set out to do, and we offer you our unwavering support.
We encourage all students and parents with any interest in Taekwondo Competition to join us at the Ice Cream Social August 5th at 6PM to begin planning for next year. This level of competition is a true enhancement to any Martial Arts Path.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Pro Shop Full of TKD Equipment and Other MTC Logo Items

With the fall tournament season approaching we have all necessary gear available. We recommend that all students have their own Basic Gear Package (BGP) for class use. The BGP includes arm and leg guards, mouth piece and groin cup (for boys). The cost is $22 for girls and $32 for boys. Full gear packages including chest protector, head gear and BGP for $85 (the cost is $105 if purchased separately). This Full Gear Package is recommended for all students who plan to participate in more than 1 tournament. Those who desire to compete on a more intense level should consider a little more substantial investment in gear which may need to be ordered so please contact Mrs. R. at least 2 weeks before an event.

Also, be sure to look in the pro shop for gear bags, back packs, lunch boxes, Tshirts, sweatshirts, polo shirts and many other MTC Logo items.

Let's get geared up for our FUN Tournament on September 19th.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Big Sky State Games Results

Big Sky State Games Results on July 18th:

Austin Graef Gold in Poomse and Gold in sparring
Rachel Schmidt Gold in Poomse and Gold in sparring
Austin James Gold in sparring
Kyle bronze in Poomse and silver in sparring
Ryan Cagle Gold in sparring
Mr Parks Gold in Poomse and Bronze in sparring
Mrs Hammond silver Poomse

At the Big Sky State Games Judo was held in the same gym and two of our athletes competed for the first time in Judo....

Ryan Cagle 4th Judo.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Junior and Senior National Teams from MTC 09

Dylan Ardiana won the 12/13 redbelt bantam weight division. 2 fights...two 7 point Jr Nationals (from Master Rosbarsky)

...Abbey Ardiana won. She's the first Senior World Class National Champ in 12 years. ... Dylan and Austin won their Grassroots divisions. (from Master Rosbarsky)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Extra Summer TKD Fun

Summer Camp for MTC Teens

We will host our first MTC Teen summer camp on July 31st--August 1st. The camp will include instruction, meals, team building and overnight at the Rosbarsky home. The camp is limited to MTC Red and Black Belts age 13-18.

The camp cost is $80. Early registration by July 15th will be $75. Space is limited so early registration is highly encouraged. Registration must be received by July 27th.

This camp is highly recommended for this year's Black Belt candidates as it will include 5 weeks worth of instruction in an energized 2 days. Master Rosbarsky will lead the camp with the help of multiple MTC Black Belts.

MTC Booster Club Ice Cream Social

On August 5th at 6PM in the front Dojang the Booster Club will host an Ice Cream Social and organizational meeting. You are invited to join us for some sweet treats and learn how to enhance your Taekwondo experience. Please plan to bring a topping or complimentary dessert like cookies or brownies.

The Booster Club is a member and parent run organization whose newly written mission statement is "The primary purpose of the Missoula Taekwondo Center Booster club is to encourage participation in Taekwondo Community activities that build stronger martial artists and stronger people. We will plan events and fundraising activities that support this principal and contribute to the great Missoula, Montana, United States and World Communities."

MTC at the River City Roots Festival AND Demonstration Camp

Again this year the MTC family will demonstrate at Missoula's River City Roots Festival on August 30th. Our demonstration will take place in the Caras Park Pavilion at 1PM on the 30th. To be a part of the Demo, please plan to attend Demo Camp on August 18-20, 9-11:30 each day. Each camp costs $55 or you can do both for $100 total. All ages and belt levels are welcome.

from the Desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Big Sky State Games

The Big Sky State Games, a multi-sport event will be held July 17-19 in Billings. The event includes a Taekwondo tournament and Master Rosbarsky and others will be attending.

We encourage all MTC students who are interested in participating to do so.

The fee is just $35 and it is a fun format to be grouped with many other sports including Judo, Archery and Arm wrestling.

Registration is available online at Big Sky

Taekwondo/Judo registration
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Black Belt Test

Our next installment of the MTC Black Belt test will be held on September 19th. For all candidates this test will be a milestone many years in the making. We will have candidates testing for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dan who started their Taekwondo journey many years in the past. Some began and have gone straight through without a break and others began elsewhere and came to Missoula Taekwondo Center after years of time off. Nevertheless, all of these individuals will test together. All of them will prepare through hard work in their regular classes. Some will prepare together outside of class while others opt to prepare on their own. This may well be the most challenging event in their TKD lives.

After working their way through the ranks in a minimum of 4 years. They all will be called upon to perform every technique learned as a colored belt including 16 Poomse plus black belt Poomse appropriate for their applied rank and below. They will also break board and sustain themselves through a test of 8 hours. They must also have competed at least once and have Taekwondo teaching experience. At the time of the test they will also need to turn in (2) 5-page book reports and (1) 10-page paper.

Candidates should be prepared to hand in their commitment letter and $150 non-refundable deposit no later than July 19th.

Everyone who tests remembers the eight hour ordeal but what makes it a truly life changing experience is the process of preparing for the test. Truly realizing how much you have grown and glimpsing how much further you have to go.

Belt Test and Keepin' Up in the Summer Time

Our summer time belt test will be held on Friday, July 24th. Times will be announced the week of the test and are dependant on the belt range and total number of test takers.

Please sign up in advance on the front counter. If you are unsure of your test readiness please consult Mr. or Mrs. Rosbarsky. We will be happy to help assess your skill level and analyze if all requirements are met for testing.

One very important part of testing that serves to hold many back from testing when they are otherwise ready is Poomse. To avoid anxiety about Poomse knowledge and to boast readiness we recommend that every student own the Power Poomse DVD set which features Master Rosbarsky performing all Taeguek and Palgwe Poomse. The DVDs are $30 each at Missoula Taekwondo Center and on or you may purchase the set of 2 for $50 only at MTC.

Let there be nothing that holds you back from progression.


from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Relay Recap

On June 19th and 20th, the MTC family participated in Missoula's Relay for Life for the 2nd year in a row.

This year's team leader, Garett Hueffed, a MTC Sr. Blue belt, organized our group into a great unit of martial artists united for the cause of raising funds for cancer research.

Through the night of the 19th and early hours of the 20th our team marched around the track at Big Sky High School with 100s of other Missoulians.

Unique to our team, money was raised by selling boards to be broken in honor of those who battled or are battling cancer.

It was truly inspiring to watch the survivors and their families followed by so many other helpful souls who gathered to make a concerted effort at battling and curing the cancers that have effected so many of our lives.

We will again plan to be part of this event next year and for years to come.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Relay For Life 2009

We had a great turnout at the Relay this year. And several stayed all night.
The MTC made over $1000 to benefit the American Cancer Society.
Thank you Cap'n Garett Hueffed for organizing everything. You did a great job!!
See all pictures Here
"Hey Everyone,I had such a great time at Relay! ....Our team raised a total of (drum roll please!) $1136.34!!! Totally rad! Thank you for pulling together as a team so that we could reach our goal. Please check the TKD website for pictures. They are awesome! Garett "

Monday, June 1, 2009

MTC in the Relay for Life

In the past year the MTC family has been touched over and over by cancer. We currently have students and their parents who are battling cancer, two Taekwondo parents, including Mrs. Rosbarsky's mother passed in the last year from cancer related illnesses, and we find so often through sharing with our TKD Family that nearly everyone of our students has been touched by a friend or family member who has battled one form of cancer or another.

All of these experiences have compelled us to once again be involved in the fight for our MTC family and against cancers of all kinds in our community. The American Cancer Society organizes the Relay for Life as a community wide event to bring Missoula together to fight cancer, by raising money for research, support and education.

This year we are so grateful to the Hueffed family for organizing our MTC team.

Helping out
This year you may purchase a board to be broken for $5 each in honor of someone you love who is or has been affected by cancer. You can decorate the board or have our team decorate it for you.
We are also selling luminary bags to be decorated in honor of or in memory of someone who has been affected by cancer. The Bags will line the track at Big Sky High School for the event on June 19th. Bags are for sale at the dojang for $10 each, buy one or buy many.

We have a very strong team and openly welcome any additional MTC family members who would like to join us at Big Sky High School Track on the Evening of June 19th through the morning of the 20th. Sign up on the counter to walk or run around the track for any part of the 16 hours and join the rest of the fun at the event.

Your help in any way is greatly appreciated.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Booster Club/Nationals Meeting

The Booster Club welcomes new and long-time members to this month's meeting.

Families with people planning to attend Junior Nationals and Nationals please plan to attend this very important Booster Club/Nationals Meeting on June 10th at 6pm.

We are looking forward to strengthening our Booster Club and solidifying plans for next month's nationals.

June 10th at 6pm

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Summer Camp for Ages 4-6, 7-12 and 13-17

Lil Kickers is for all current students and new students ages 4-6.
  • Camp will include Taekwondo instruction in forms, sparring, self defense and basics.
  • The camp will also feature other fun and confidence building activities.
  • This is a great camp for our youngest practitioners to gain confidence in their abilities inside the dojang and out.
  • Camp cost is $95

Kicking Summer Off Right. All current students and community members age 7-12 are invited to participate in the 2009 Kickin' the Summer Off Right Camps at Missoula Taekwondo Center.

  • June 15th-19th and 22nd-26th. Do 1 or 2 weeks. 9AM-3AM
  • Camp will include Taekwondo instruction in forms, sparring, self defense and basics.
  • Also featured will be daily ceramics instruction, including construction and decoration, by Master Glenn Parks.
  • Camp cost is $95 per week or $375 for both weeks.
  • Week 2 will include a trip to an area water park.

Camp for Teens. In addition to our returning Lil' Kickers and Kickin Summer Off right we will host camp for MTC Red-Black Belts who are age 13-17. The camp will include TKD instruction, an overnight at the Rosbarsky Home and great bonding amongst like minded martial artists. The camp is tentatively planned for the weekend of August 14-15th. Space will be limited for this camp so please indicate your interest ASAP. Registration will be available in July for this Teen team building camp.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Join us for our Annual Picture and All School Class

Thursday June 4th all MTC students are invited to participate in our Annual All School Class.

Since we all won't fit on our mat to do clas we will be at Franklin Park at 6PM. The class will last an hour with the group icture following. To be included in the picture students must be present.

We will not be photoshopping anyone in. 8X10s will be available for purchase for $10.

Thisevent is tons of fun and for all ages and levels.

Wear your dobok and tennis shoes. (There will be no regular classes this day.)

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Thank You to All

The Dinner and a Show was a fabulous success. Thanks to so many of our TKD Family Members. We were excited to have such a great turn out for dinner, the talent show and the silent auction.

We look forward to this event again next year.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Summertime Reminders

We would like to remind our students of a few things as the weather changes.

We implore all of our students to wear shoes to and from the dojang. Aside from the obvious reasons of protecting the feet wearing shoes also protects the mat from a horrible film. For when we wear no shoes outside then walk directly on to the mat it is as if walking on the mat while wearing your shoes.

Clean feet also smell better and we all appreciate that.

Also, as a reminder, every student at MTC wears a similar or identical dobok and gear and when a whirl of dressing and undressing happens in the changing room often items don't match up with their proper owners. To help minimize mistaken and misplaced items please put identifying markings of all pieces of dobok, gear and the inside of the belt. Thanks for your help in minimizing the confusion that sometimes happens.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Saturday, May 30, 2009

UC Open results

Austin James Gold spar,silver forms. .

Ryan Gold spar,bronze forms. .

Brandon Saltz gold x2 and best male athlete. .

Amanda Silver forms.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

CA Tournaments

Austin won his match today by a 7 point gap. He took 3rd overall losing to Korea in the 1st Pan-Am University Taekwondo Championships.

"Amanda behind Bars"

Do we need to send bail money?

"the result of not working out...or a nude beach in San Francisco"

Saturday, May 16, 2009

National Qualifier in Colorado

The birthday girl, Abbey, took first in Poomse.
AND took first in Sparring. Congrats Abbey. :)

Abbey is taking 4 gold medals home. Taylor won his division. Alan took third and Austin lost in quarters.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Kickin' the Summer Off Right with TKD Camp

This summer kids can spend 2 full weeks attending the Kickin the Summer Off Right Day Camp. The camp will run June 15th-19th and 22nd-26th daily from 9AM to 3PM. campers can attend 1 or both Weeks of camp.

  • This camp is for all current and new MTC students age 7-12. All belt levels are welcome.

  • The Taekwondo instruction in this camp will include basics, forms, sparring and self defense.

  • Camp will include daily ceramics work with Mr. Glenn Parks

  • Included in the 2nd week of camp will be a day at a local water park.

  • Also included in camp: testing fee. Campers who complete both weeks of camp will test on Friday of week 2

  • 1 week of camp is just $195 or $175 paid by May 15th. 2 weeks of camp is $375 or just $355 paid by May 15th.

  • Registration forms

NEW this year hot lunches from Organic Sprouts Kitchen are available. For further info on this call 544-3007 or visit

Also this summer our youngest students can enjoy Taekwondo Camp.

The Lil Kickers Day Camp will run June 15th - 19th daily from 9-11AM.

  • This camp is for all current and new MTC students age 4-6

  • The Taekwondo instruction in this camp will include basics, forms, sparring and self defense

  • The camp will also feature other fun and confidence building activities.

  • Cost of camp is $95 or just $75 if registration and fee is received by May 15th.

Call 829-1329 for information.

Forms are online at

From the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Dinner and a Show with Kick-a-thon

Join us for some great entertainment and tasty dishes. On Friday May 1st from 6-9pm.

The main dish this year is Korean Barbecue Beef (Bulgogi) which will be accompanied by everyone's favorite dishes. Sign up for the talent show and Kick-a-thon forms are on the front counter and Here.

New this year we will have a silent auction with great items like a Birthday Party at the Wingate, a men's sport watch, baby blanket, a Blue Dragon Beads bracelet and stuffed gift baskets including a women's wellness back pack worth over $150.

Ticket are on sale at MTC: $3 for kids, $5 for adults or $12 for a family of 4.
From the Desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Summer Scheduling

Our summer schedule will begin June 15th. The only change from the current Spring schedule is that Friday Classes will only be held on July 17th and 31st and August 21st and 28th. Friday classes will be for Forms. All belts are welcome in each class. Poomse covered will be: White belt 4-4:30, Yellow-Sr. Green 4:30-5:30 and Blue-Black 5:30-6:30. This schedule will be in effect until the week of September 1st.

No classes will be held May 25th, and July 2-6th.

Summer is a little more flexible so come when you can, even if the clas is above or below your belt level. Everyone can benefit from any class.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Annual All School Class

Every student is invited to participate in our All School Class on June 4th. Weather permitting we will be at Franklin Park (MAP). With class from 6-7pm.

This gathering is for ALL MTC students. From white belt to black belt and all levels in between.

We will hold a giant sized regularly formatted class. Immediately following, we will group together for our annual school photo. There will be no retakes so to be included, you must be there as in the past. 8X10 photos will be available for purchase.

Black Belt Meeting
Following the group photo all MTC Black Belts and Black Belt Candidates are called to a meeting.

We will gather immediately following the class to discuss the upcoming Black Belt Test, teaching opportunities and other issues important to our group. If you have an item to add to the agenda, please contact Mrs. Rosbarsky.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Booster Club Future in Question

Currently the Booster Club has many beneficial aspects for all MTC students, however, the benefits are being vastly underutilized. It seems that the Booster Club could benefit from a restructuring of sorts. The May 13th meeting will be important to the future of the organization.

On May 13th from 6-7PM the MTC Booster Club will under go some restructuring. We implore all families to come to this meeting to be a part of the future of the organization.

Our wish is for this organization to remain strong and be driven by parents and students at MTC. There are great opportunities to add depth and meaning to the lives and martial arts experiences of current and future MTC students, so we encourage all MTC families to be involved.

Join us in the office on May 13th from 6-7pm.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Saturday, April 25, 2009

PVTC Livingston Tournament


Jackson, David 3rd Poomse 4th Sparring
Dotz, Bonnie 3rd Poomse 1st Sparring
Dotz, Kallie 1st Poomse 3rd Sparring
Ardiana, Abbey 2nd Poomse 1st Sparring
Ardiana, Dylan 2nd Poomse 1st Sparring
Austin, Ruth 1st Poomse 2nd Sparring
Rosbarsky, Lydia 1st Poomse 2nd Sparring
Goodman, Hunter 4th Poomse 3rd Sparring
Gamell, Taiga 3rd Poomse 2nd Sparring
Powell, Meghan 3rd Poomse 2nd Sparring
James, Austin 1st Sparring
Schmidt, Kara 2nd Poomse 4th Sparring
Schmidt, Tucker 3rd Poomse 2nd Sparring
Schmidt, Rachel 1st Poomse 2nd Sparring
Parks, Glenn 1st Poomse 1st Sparring

Congratulations to the MTC team for taking 2nd Place. :)