
Saturday, June 30, 2012

We are Dae Myung

Dae-Myung or the International Dae-Myung Moo Do Federation (IDMF), is the name given to the organization headed by our Grandmaster Jae Ho Park.  Although Grandmaster Park only makes it to Montana twice a year, he is ever present in all f our Taekwondo journeys.  We reflect on his picture at the start and finish of every class at MTC and he is martial arts and life mentor to Master Rosbarsky, making his influence apparent in every teaching at Missoula Taekwondo Center.

To myself and Master Rosbarsky, being Dae-Myng is a privilege.  It is a privilege to be a student of Grandmaster Park, as he is a thoughtful martial artist and the most humble student of life who still considers himself, at 9th Dan Black Belt, to have more to learn.  Having asked to not be promoted to 10th Dan (the highest possible promotion) as that would imply that he no longer had anything to learn.  Requesting instead to be promoted to 10th Dan when he dies.

With the passing of the former IDMF president, Grandmaster Karlo Fugiwara, a restructuring of the organization has led us to be a more defined group.  There is now a process to become an individual member.  When testing for yellow belt all Missoula Taekwondo Center students will become Dae-Myung members.  There is an application to be filled out and a $15 fee for individuals and $25 fee for families of 2 or more.

Membership renewal will happen at every full colored belt (yellow, green, blue and red).  Sr. Red belt and Black Belt.

We ask that all students who are currently yellow belt and above fill out and return the application to MTC with a check payable to IDMF by July 16th.  If you have already paid the fee please fill out the application and return it also by the 16th.

We are excited to give our students the opportunity to be a part of this great lineage and partake in the greater IDMF community.

Holiday Week Schedule

The week of July 2nd-July 6th we will have an abbreviated schedule.

There will be no classes on Wednesday the 4th.

Classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday will be:
White Belt Kids --4:00-4:45
Yellow-Sr Green Belt Kids--4:45-5:45
All ages Blue-Black and all Teens and Adults--5:45-7:00

Friday classes will follow the regular Summer Friday schedule:
White Belt Poomsae 4:00-4:30
Colored Belt + Poomsae 4:30-5:30

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Special TKD Opportunities

  • We have the honor to host a 1 day sparring seminar on July 21st given by TJ Curry and Jared Reed both of World Taekwondo Center.  Among other accomplishments, TJ took 1st in the US Olympic Trials-Phase 7 in 2012. and was the 2010 National Champion.  Jared was the 2011 Collegiate National Champion and competed at the World University Games in Shenzen, China (with Master Rosbarsky).  Session 1, 10AM-12:30 will be for all ages and belt levels, Session 2, 1:30-5:30, will be for red and black belts (other belt levels by speical instructor invitation).  This is a tremendously affordable opportunity for world class instruction AND it is right here in our own gym.  The morning session is $25 and the after noon session is $40.  Both sessions are $50 total.  Registration forms available at MTC or online at
  • Teen Camp will be July 26th and 27th with an overnight at the Rosbarsky's.  This is open to all MTC teens yellow belt+ and all MTC Black Belt Instructors.  This is always a fun time to deepen the bonds that are already there.  The cost is $90. Black belts will receive a $50 discount.
  • New this year we will have our Olympic Sports Camp July 30th-August 3rd.  We will not only do some spectacular sparring (TKD Sparring is a full medal Olympic Sport) but also engage in Gymnastics, Soccer, Swimming, Basketball and Volleyball (all Olympic Sports).  The camp will run daily 9-3 and cost $215.
  • And Ninja Camp will be back! Tentatively scheduled for August 13-17th. This is a 1/2 day camp for $105.

 For all of these camps you can put your name on the list now because, of course, space is limited and our camps have a record of filling up.  Registrations will be available July 10th.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Adult Taekwondo for New and Current Students

Beginning Thursday July 26th, Ms Kim Sturre will begin teaching an adult beginner Taekwondo Class at MTC that she has been teaching at the Dickinson Lifelong Learning Center.  Ms Sturre has taught this same class at the Lifelong Learning Center for the past 9 months, and as they are on a Summer break from Dickinson, the class will continue at MTC.  Students who have taken this class and new, past and current students from MTC are encouraged to try this class.

Sign up for this class with Mrs. Rosbarsky.  The cost is $69 for 8 weeks ($89 if you would like a uniform) and will meet 1 day per week.  The class will meet each Thursday at 7PM.

This class promised to continue to be great fun.  If you have never tried TKD before this is the perfect time to come try your hand (or foot)  :) at something new.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

A Slight Schedule Adjustment from July 9th-August 23rd

The Teen and Adult Beginner and Intermediate class will run concurrently with the Advanced class on Monday and Wednesday from 6:15-7:30.

This class structure will give all belt levels an opportunity to develop skills that lay dormant when there are not these diverse teaching and learning experiences available.  Giving more opportunities to share unique perspectives will deepen the teachers and the student involved.

Also on Tuesdays fro the remainder of the summer, Competition Poomsae will be offered from 7:00 to 8:30.  This class will be open to all interested individuals with each class progressing from basic to advanced.   We will explore and hone our basics, develop our own phrasing and find our inner monsters.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Why Come to TKD in the Summer?

We are asked often why someone should come to Taekwondo in the summer or why you should do Taekwondo 12 months out of the year.

There are many answers to those questions.  I will start with the immediately tangible benefits to you, the student or parent.
  1. The classes are smaller.
  2. You are invited to come to whichever classes work for you.
  3. Individuals come to classes that fit in their shifting schedule, meaning you will become acquainted with more of your TKD family and the different class dynamics will encourage learning from a new perspective.
  4. You will continue making small steps (and sometimes incredible leaps) forward, never letting the dust settle on the skills you have worked hard to perfect.

We also see individuals who come back after a lengthy break be initially excited and then become downtrodden by their stagnation (or initial decline).  Ultimately resulting in a downward spiral that sometimes ends in the individual quitting Taekwondo.

The ultimate goal is to devote yourself to Taekwondo in a way that will promote the most possible personal growth in all areas of Taekwondo and life, and our goal is to help you maintain a constant progression to being your best possible martial artist and your best possible self.

In the summer especially, we fully encourage time taken off for family vacations and trips to the lake, and offer the flexibility in our schedule to make up any and all classes that may be missed before or after your time off.  If you would like help finding a suitable make-up class please contact us.

Consistent practice will lead you to being a martial artist and person you admire.

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

All School Class

Tuesday June 19th at 6pm we will have our All School Class at Franklin Park in Missoula between 9th and 10th Streets on Kemp from 6-7pm.

THERE WILL BE NOT REGULAR CLASSES THIS DAY. Everyone should plan to come to this class.

This is a fun way to be with all of our TKD Family members.  It is powerful to see all the people who count you as part of their family; all the people you have to look up to and the ones who look up to you.

We will also be awarding some very special first ever Varsity Letters in Taekwondo.

**Please note the Date Change.  It was postponed due to weather.**

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Special Opportunities through the Summer

Through July and August we will have many opportunities for Taekwondo outside your regular classes.

  • The first very special opportunity will be when we host a 1 day sparring seminar on July 21st given by TJ Curry and Jared Reed both of World Taekwondo Center. Among other accomplishments, TJ took 1st in the US Olympic Trials-Phase 7 in 2012 and was the 2010 National Champion.  Jared was the 2011 Collegiate National Champion and competed at the World University Games in Shenzen, China (with Master Rosbarsky) Session 1, 10am-12:30pm will be for all ages and belt levels, Session 2, 1:30pm-5:30pm, will be for red and black belts (other belt levels by special instructor invitation).  This is a tremendously affordable opportunity for wold class instruction.  The morning session is $25 and the afternoon session is $40.  Both sessions are $50 total.  Registration forms available at MTC.

  • Teen Camp will be July 26th and 27th with an overnight at the Rosbarsky's.  This is open to all MTC teens yellow belt+ and all MTC Black Belt Instructors.  This is always a fun time to deepen the bonds that are already there.  The cost is $90.  Black belts will receive a $50 discount.

  • New this year we will have our Olympic Sports Camp July 30th-August 3rd.  We will not only do some spectacular sparring (TKD Sparring is a full medal Olympic Sport) but also engage in Gymnastics, Soccer, Swimming, Basketball and Volleyball (all Olympic Sports)  The camp sill run daily 9-3 and cost $215.

  • And Ninja Camp will be back!  Tentatively scheduled for August 13-17th. This will be the second year for Ninja Camp and our inaugural year was an overwhelming success.  Look for further details in July's newsletter.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Montana State Taekwondo Championships - in Missoula June 8th and 9th

We, Missoula Taekwondo Center, are co-hosting the 2012 MT State TKD Championships in Missoula along with the MT TKD Academy.  We are excited for this opportunity to show the state just how well the Missoula Taekwondo Community can work together and pull off the most fantastic state tournament to date.
This is a perfect opportunity for all of our students to give their best in competition and strive to become state champions or at the very least better martial artists and better people.  The cost is $45 for MTA members and $70 for non-members. 
There is competition in forms, sparring, pairs, team and creative forms.
Please find your registrations by clicking HERE or at the dojang.  There is also a sign up sheet for volunteers on the front counter.  We will be responsible for many tournament operations including admissions, registration, holding and other logistical elements.  This is a great way to contribute to and feel a part of the greater Montana Taekwondo Community.

Full Packet and much more information about the MTA on

from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky

Belt Testing

Initially planned for June 22nd, our next test will be June 15th.

Please sign up in advance for this and all tests.  The cost of all colored belt tests is $25

The Way Testing Works:  We require at least 3 months between each belt test ( a minimum of 2 tips are required to be eligible to test) and recommend no more than 4.5 months. We aim to hold belt tests (not tip tests which are held in class on or around the last class day of each month)  every 6 weeks, so there should be one happening when you are ready to test.

Belt Tests happen on Fridays and you must signup in advance.

Tests are cumulative, so be prepared to be tested over all that you have ever learned in TKD.  Review old techniques and be prepared to show any and all poomsae up to your current level.