
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Testing Procedures

In January we began to implement new testing procedures. We wish to restate some of the information regarding these procedures.

Every month during regular class time on the last day of the month we will hold tip tests. Short tests covering knowledge gained in previous months.

For White Belts their first successful tip test will result in a "tip". Their second successful tip test will result in receiving their Senior White Belt. (The 4-6 year old group will continue with this pattern of tip-belt-tip-belt for the following months.)

Senior White, Yellow, Senior Yellow, Green and Senior Green Belts will need to have 2 successful tip tests to test for their next belt test.

For Blue and Senior Blue Belts testing will continue to happen in Friday Night Tests. To be promoted to their next belt they will need to complete 2 tests every 3 months.

For Red Belts to attain their Senior red belt they must complete 4 Friday Night Tests every 3 months.

We realize there may be some confusion about individual students. We welcome your questions. These new testing procedures are designed to keep our students minds active, so that they do not become stagnant and fail to grow. At all belt levels we hope to curb testing anxiety by having more regular tests.

The next belt test will be on Friday February 29th. All students interested in testing will have the January and February tip tests before this date. For questions about eligibility please contact Mrs. Rosbarsky.

We strive for perfection because we know that greatness is not attained by reaching it but by constantly striving for it.
from the desk of Mrs. Rosbarsky