
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Quick Note From Master Rosbarsky

When an adult is asked to look back at the parenting style of their own parents and are asked to evaluate their up bringing, they always say the same thing:  "I'm grateful that my parents made me ______".

Or, "I'm glad they never let me quit _______".

I understand how tiring it is at times.  But I know it is my job to be Lydia and Edison's parent above all.  I tell them often, "Sometimes we get to be friends, but I am always your Dad.  And sometimes when I'm being your Dad, we are not friends."

If our parents didn't set rules, push, love inspire and point out where we did something wrong, how would we end up?  I know myself, if it was up to me, broccoli would not have been served at the dinner table.

We hear compliments every day about our Teen and Young Adult Black Belts.  They all share something common in their path to being amazing individuals.

They never quit.

Even when they participated in other activities, They never quit.

I know at times the kiddos fight us when we push.  I know we fight pushing ourselves.  Here's what I'm asking, and what I've followed in my life, Look to those you admire and emulate the behaviors you respect.  Ideas and intentions don't change anything, it's only when effort is applied, that the world moves.

So, let's put forth the effort in all aspects of our lives.  Let's fight the good fight even when it's hard.

Don't quit.

Master Rosbarsky