
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fall Schedule

This schedule begins September 1st, 2011.  Please keep this copy and use our website for future reference.  Also for reminders of special events, schedule changes and or closures please join our Missoula Taekwondo Center Facebook group or sign up to get text message updates on Twitter (text "follow mtcweb" to 40404 from your cellphone then reply with your first and last name to receive important MTC tweets or sign up on Twitter)This is particularly helpful when there are class cancellations due to belt tests or MCPS holidays.

Website Calendar and Class Schedule.

Fall tests will be September 23rd and November 11th.  

We will be closed for Holidays September 5th, November 23-25th and December 22nd to January 2nd.  These dates are the same dates Missoula County Public School are closed for holidays (not PIR or conference days.)

Within the new schedule you will find changes to Friday and some detailed descriptions of classes we have had and will continue to have.

Note a General Poomsae Class which will introduce poomsae in a quicker format to cover more of the forms. And the Competition Team classes which focus more on presentation elements of the forms and on sparring.  All of the Competition Team classes will focus on self improvement through striving to attain skills that are only within our reach with a maximal level of effort.